Whew, I Almost Bought That! A Tip to Avoid Impulse Buying

I’ve got to stop checking my Facebook news feed, not because I have been spending too much time being distracted (although that is probably somewhat true), but because I keep seeing all of these special offers, such as the Amazon.com Lightening Deals (“liking” your favorite store pages is one way to see exclusive deals this holiday season). Yesterday I almost grabbed one. I actually added it to my cart. With one click, Amazon would have happily wrapped the thing up in the smiley box and send it straight to my door. It was a popular video game that I knew … Continue reading

Impulse Buying

Impulse buying—we all do it. In fact, I would wager that every time we go to the store, we come home with at least two things we threw in our carts totally spur of the moment. An item here and there can’t really break the budget, can it? Well, if it’s an item here and there every time we go to the store, those extra dollars add up and we find ourselves wondering where all our money went. How do we keep that impulse buying under control? Here are some ideas. First, as you place something in your cart, ask … Continue reading

Ways to Save Money on Vacation

Settling on a vacation spot everyone in the family can agree upon is only half the battle. Once you know where you are going there is the challenge of budgeting for transportation, meals, souvenirs and other incidentals. The following tips are ones I have compiled from my own family’s cross-country adventures. Some may seem a bit obvious, but the fact is they are effective and have served us well over the years. Hopefully they can do the same for your family as well. COUPON BOOKS. Never underestimate the power of a coupon. I used to completely ignore those kiosks loaded … Continue reading

4 Ways to Avoid Impulse Buying

We’ve all been there, shopping around for something when something else catches our eye. We find that although we have lived without it for a lifetime, we still need to have that thing and have it now. So it ends up in our hands or cart, and our money ends up out of our bank account. Impulse buying can really rob you of your financial security, if it goes unchecked. All of those “little” purchases can certainly add up. It is best to avoid impulsing buying as much as you can. And so, I offer the following four ways to … Continue reading

How You Shop May Be Due To Genetics

Some people love to shop! Shopping makes them feel good emotionally, and they might even get a chemical buzz from doing it. Some people go into a store specifically for one thing, and end up coming out with all sorts of little impulse buys. Other people really do not enjoy shopping at all, and will avoid doing so until it’s absolutely necessary. What kind of shopper are you? The answer might be determined by your genes. Eventually, everyone needs to go shopping, even if it’s only for groceries. Stores have spent quite a bit of time and money trying to … Continue reading

Are You Suffering from Frugal Fatigue

For myself, and I date say my fellow families.com frugal bloggers, frugality is a way of life. For most American’s however, frugality is a reaction to personal purse strings. The nation as a whole has been cutting back for the past one to two years, and many of them are sick and tired of it. Being frugal is more of a burden than a rewarding endeavor, and they can’t wait until they can get back to their old spend-spend-spending ways. The reason people are becoming tired of being frugal is that they have cut back to an extreme level and … Continue reading

Is Impulsiveness Good or Bad in Business?

Jumping to conclusions, taking a big risk, deciding on a whim to make a change to the way you do business—is this a good thing or a bad thing for your home business? Well, like so many things, it can be both good…and bad… Sometimes, a little impulsiveness can be just what you need to kick things in the pants, so to speak. There are those times when time is of the essence and we don’t have the time or luxury to really think things over before we take the big leap and try something new. There are definitely those … Continue reading

Hungry Shopping

I was talking with a checkout woman the other day while I was at the grocery store. One of the things she told me is that she can always spot someone who hasn’t eaten lunch or dinner. I thought she meant that the shopper would have some take out stuff from the deli counter. But no, she said the hungry shoppers always spend more. Now, I have heard the old adage, “Never shop when you are hungry,” but I didn’t think that it really made much of an impact. My friend at the cash register said that she can tell … Continue reading

Save Money with this List

Here is a clever little idea that I recently heard about through the grapevine. It is a way to save money whenever you shop and wherever you shop. The best part is that it is very easy to create this little gem and maintain it for as long as you would like. This method to save money is nothing more than a list. Grab a small notebook or a notepad, anything that you can easily carry wherever you go. And don’t forget a pen or a pencil. At the top of this list, write the words “Don’t Need It.” That … Continue reading

Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that today is Black Friday. Weeks of anticipation have been building up for this unofficial holiday. Black Friday Deals have been leaked (just see the Deals Blog) and everyone is gearing up to snatch up the bargains. There is so much pressure on everyone for Black Friday. The retailers, who know that the sales this day may just make or break them for the year, and the customers, who are forced to get up earlier and earlier to make sure that they snatch up the limited bargains that are in … Continue reading