How to Live on One Income

Is your goal to live on one income so you or your spouse can be a stay-at-home parent, pursue schooling, keep house, or another establish another endeavor? Take the following steps to make sure that you are well prepared for your lifestyle change. Get a New Attitude If you are currently living on two incomes, you may need to make some changes, both drastic and non-drastic in order to make the one income work for your family. Embrace money-saving ideas, such as shopping at yard sales or thrift stores, cooking at home, and bargain hunting. Look at these practices as … Continue reading

Five Steps that Will Help You Go on A Spending Break

If you have an unexpected bill, want to take care of a new purchase with cash, build up an emergency fund or just get closer to paying off your overall debt, you might want to consider going on a spending break. How much extra money you accumulate will depend on what you normally spend in any given time period plus how long you decide to stay on your spending break. Saving $500 this month is not unthinkable for most families. Before you get started with a spending break, you’ll need to have a plan to ensure the best success and … Continue reading

Seven Ways to Save Money on Everyday Expenses

Minimize the cost of running your home when you use the following tips to save money on those everyday expenses. 1. Combine services It isn’t only your cable service that offers bundling. Once you are done combining your Internet, phone and cable television into one package, move on to other services that be combined in order to save money on your monthly expenses. For example, you can combine your home and auto insurance for a lower overall rate. 2. Pay your bills on time That $5 or $10 a month may not seem like much, but in the course of … Continue reading

The Whopping Family Cell Phone Bill

Cell phones as we know them are only a few decades old, and yet it is hard to think about living without them, despite the fact that humankind survived centuries without cell phones. It isn’t unusual these days to be spending $250 or more a month for your family cell phones. In some families, the cell phone expense may be the second highest monthly bill, after the mortgage or the rent. Doing without other things, from eating out to dental care (in some cases) in order to afford cell phones has become the norm. How did things get so crazy? … Continue reading

The Magic of Mail

My daughter loves getting mail. Not email, snail mail. She’s seven years old and doesn’t own a Smartphone, computer or any other digital device which allows her to email her BFFs to LOL about her WAHM. She does it via longhand, instead. While I dread the short walk from the front door to the mailbox for fear of what other bill may be waiting for me there, my kid counts down to the mail carrier’s visit each day. We’re old school here at Casa Cheplic and the United States Postal Service loves us for it. Why? Two words: Pen Pal. … Continue reading

Dings Do Matter

The price of gas may not be at a record high right now, but that doesn’t mean that filling up is cheap. In fact, recent polls show that many families across the United States are opting to rent vehicles that guzzle less gas than their family mobiles when embarking on long road trips. Renting a smaller vehicle may be an economical option, especially if you don’t want to add more wear and tear on your every day ride. However, if you are not careful your summer rental could put a major dent in your wallet. USA Today just a published … Continue reading

Three Quick Money Saving Ideas

There are many ways that people can save themselves some money on things that they use every day. Today, I came across a few simple things that you can do if any of the situations involved are relevant to products or services that you use in your day to day life. The more quick and simple ways that you can find to save a little here and there, the faster your savings will add up. If you pay an annual fee for a credit card, why not take a little time to look around online and see whether there is … Continue reading

Is Eating Healthy A Privilege?

Not long ago, the food pyramid became a plate. A study shows that this newer, healthier, diet, is more expensive than what most American’s can afford to eat. People like me, who have to stay on a gluten-free diet, quickly learn that these foods are pricey. It has been said that eating the foods that keep your body healthy has become a “privilege”. The United States has created new nutritional guidelines. What used to be called the food pyramid has recently been transformed into a plate. The idea was to make it easier, by giving a visual example, of how … Continue reading

Activity Days-Budgeting Activity

Yesterday we had a great activity all about budgeting for the girls. I was afraid this activity was going to be boring, but they actually loved it. And, it helped them get something passed off in their Faith in God award, so that always makes a leader feel good! I started by having the girls pretend for a moment that they all just graduated from high school, and shared an apartment together. I only have 4 girls, but you could divide up into smaller groups if you have more girls. I told them they made minimum wage, working a part … Continue reading

Cutting Back on Expenses to Stay at Home with Your Child

When planning for our first child, we figured that I would take some time off but eventually head back to work at least a few days a week. I didn’t want to send my baby off to daycare, but we didn’t think we could manage to pay our bills unless I did. Then fate threw us a curveball. Our daughter couldn’t go to daycare, at least not for the first 6 months, and after that, it would still be better if she didn’t. Having cystic fibrosis means avoiding people with colds and respiratory viruses at all costs and, as we … Continue reading