6 Great Laundry Tips

Not sure what to do about keep your corduroy pants from streaking, white powder from appearing on your clothes, the best way to wash a backpack, or getting crayon out of clothing? To get the answers to these dilemmas, read on. Here are six great laundry tips. If your sofa slipcovers are washable (cotton) only let them dry until they are dam-dry. This will allow the covers to stretch enough to fit over the sofa, making putting them on so much easier. Turn corduroy pants or even jeans inside out when you wash them to prevent any streaking. If your … Continue reading

Minimizing Your Wash Will Maximize Your Savings 2

Cutting down on your laundry will not only make life a little easier for you, but it can also save money. If you missed the first article in this series, click here: Minimizing Your Wash Will Maximize Your Savings. Now let’s talk about combining your wash loads. Washing clothes on cold means that there is very little if any dye transfer, so go ahead and wash reds in with your other darks. (For the very first time with new red garments, I suggest hand soaking them first to get out the loose dye, although I’ve never needed to do this … Continue reading

Cheap Laundry Tricks

There is no need to rely on expensive top-of-the-line washing machines and detergents to get your clothes clean. Not when you have some frugal tricks up your sleeve, um, I mean in your laundry basket. If you watch the television commercials, they seem to imply that you’ll never get your clothes really clean unless your washing machine has enough dials, buttons and levers to launch the space shuttle. the same is true for those “super” detergents that are full of the latest chemicals. One thing they all have in common is that they are expensive. If you don’t want to … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for August 20th-26th, 2007

As summer is slowly drawing to a close and school is finally back in session for most children including the homeschooling families, it is the perfect time to take a look at your frugal habits. Evaluate what is going well for your family, and what might not actually be working. Some things you cannot save money on year-round. Some seasons are better than others for certain savings. Just evaluate where you are and look forward into new ways and methods to save money. Look what great ways we showed you how to save money in the frugal living blog this … Continue reading

A Quick Guide to Frugal Laundry Pre-treaters

If you read my earlier article, The Frugal Washing Machine, you’ll notice that it got a lot of comments from wonderful frugal folks with great ideas about laundry. One of the topics that stood out was the one about using pre-treatments for laundry stains. It was a really interesting discussion, and I thought I might explore different ways of saving money when pretreating laundry. The first choice, in my opinion (shared by so many of you) is that if you use a good laundry detergent, you won’t need to pretreat your clothing. My biggest vote for a laundry detergent that … Continue reading