Average Retail Milk Prices for September 2008

Milk prices have increase greatly since the first time I started keeping track of the milk pricing report that lists retail milk prices across the country. I remember watching the milk prices creep up a few cents here and there, with the average price somewhere around $2.31 a gallon for whole milk. Today things are a little different. The simple average of milk prices for a gallon of whole milk across the country is $3.82. And many cities find milk prices well over $4. That simple average has held up since the begining of the year, so while some cities … Continue reading

New Milk Containers Save Money

Saving money on milk has been a mission of mine. With three kids aged seven and younger and a personal need to keep up my calcium, milk is a steady purchase in our home. As mentioned in previous blogs, I do what I can to save money on milk, from baking with powdered milk to finding the best prices of hormone-free milk. But still, I have witnessed the steady climb of milk from $2.30 a gallon to $4.00 a gallon in a very short time. And, there doesn’t seem an end to the price inflation anytime soon. Fortunately, someone has … Continue reading

A New Way to Save Money on Milk

Milk may do a body good (if you believe those old commercials), but it does a wallet bad these days. Organic milk it especially high in price. We just paid $7 for a gallon of Horizon Organic skim milk in the store. Regular store brand milk was priced at $4. Since we go through about 2 and a half gallons of milk here per week, that equals $70 worth of organic milk in a month, or $40 for non organic milk. I remember the days when I could get a whole month’s worth of groceries for less than that. Whew! … Continue reading

Make Your Own Sweetened Condensed Milk

Want a frugal substitute for a can of sweetened, condensed milk. This home made version will save you some pennies and prevent you from having to run to the store to stock up. As an added bonus, you can make only the amount that you need so that there is no waste. This is another savings right there. I have fallen out of using sweetened condensed milk, mostly because of the expense and the waste. I used to use it all of the time to make yummy graham cracker crumb cookies. With this frugal substitute, I may just have to … Continue reading

Milk Prices Still Creeping Up

It looks like we are still paying more for milk each month that goes by. September saw milk prices creep up a few more cents. While milk is still not averaging the $5 a gallon that some analysts predicted for September, prices are still reaching $4 a gallon and beyond in most states. Some of the reasons for the continuous rise in milk prices include rising fuel prices, a drought, a spike in the cost of feed and in dairy operations. Production slowing in the United States thanks to an International boom in milk product are also said to contribute … Continue reading

What Are You Paying for Milk in August?

Every once in a while, I check on milk prices. It seems to me that you can judge a lot about whether the cost of groceries are increasing or decreasing by looking at the prices for the basic staples, such as milk. It can also give a good indication about the cost of living in certain regions of the country. The United States Department of Agriculture keeps track of retail milk prices by going out and taking a sample of these prices throughout different states. They then publish a report on their findings. Here is a quick view at the … Continue reading

Storing Staples: Milk

Storing staples, such as flour, eggs, milk, bread and other common grocery items, is a smart thing to do, whether your goal is to be frugal or to be prepared. Knowing the proper storage methods will help keep your items safe and ready to use. This is especially true for a perishable item, such as milk. Read on to learn about the ways to keep milk for long-term storage. There are all kinds of milk: cow milk, raw milk, goat’s milk, soy milk and even breast milk. But for this article, I am going to stick to the basics of … Continue reading

What Did You Pay for Milk in April?

Is the price of milk going up? Check out this information from the government that offers milk prices across the country for the month of April, 2007. With three kids (two of which drink large amounts of milk) I pay close attention to milk prices. It seems that they are always going up. While that isn’t always the case, it is nice to have real information on what milk is costing me from month to month. These prices reflect the most popular brands of whole milk by the gallon. Samples prices are taken twice a month to get an average … Continue reading

Pantry Challenge: Using Allrecipes.com

Brrr. It is absolutely freezing out today here in Pennsylvania. I am definitely not looking forward to taking the babies out for a walk to school to fetch Andrew. The theme of the day will have to be layers. Fortunately, since I am still in my pantry challenge, at least I won’t be going to the grocery store. If you are just starting to read the frugal blogs and want to know more about a pantry challenge, click here. Our cereal is running a bit low. I did stock up a couple of months ago when sales and coupons were … Continue reading

A Quick Guide to Using Powdered Milk

Powdered milk has long been a staple of frugal living. From the days of our grandparents to the present time, many use powdered milk in different ways to save money and conserve resources. But powdered milk can be an acquired taste. Some people use it in place of fresh milk, drinking the reconstituted milk straight, while others won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. Many choose the middle ground. Here is a guide to get you started with using powdered milk. Drinking powdered milk straight. If you have ever been brought up in a house that serves only powdered milk, … Continue reading