How to Save Money on Lipstick

Did you know that during the worst economic times, sales of lipstick tend to go up? This is because lipstick can be a little affordable luxury that makes women feel good without having to spend a lot of money. Lipstick has gotten a bit fancy these days, though, and all of the special formulas can come with a special price, making lipstick more pricey than it was in years past. Still there are ways to save money on lipstick, no matter what your favorite type or color. Rescuing a Bad Lipstick Sometimes you buy a lipstick on impulse, you get … Continue reading

The Best Frugal Treats

It is okay to indulge yourself a bit and still stay on budget. Here are some of the best ideas for frugal (read inexpensive) treats that will make you smile. Something for the Tastebuds Go ahead an purchase a small piece of an expensive chocolate, an exotic spice, a favorite take out item (such as an egg roll or the best fries in the world) or whatever will make your tastebuds sing. It will feel like an indulgence but costs much less than a dinner out. Something for the Senses Indulging your senses can feel like a luxury, and you … Continue reading

Get the Best Deal on a Car

Unless less you live in a major city, then chances are pretty good that you will need a car. But how can you get the best deal on a car and be frugal about your purchase? Keep reading. New versus used I am a big believer in buying items used, especially big ticket items, such as cars. They usually depreciate in value quickly, making the price drop while they are almost new. So it might surprise you to know that when it came time to buy a larger car to safely fit our family of three children with those wide … Continue reading

Save Money on Toaster Pastries

Luxury can sometimes come in little packages. For us, it may be in the form of toaster pastries or “pop-tarts.” Because of the expense of these things (not to mention the sometimes shady nutritional value), we seldom buy them. But toaster pastries, especially if you get the healthier versions, aren’t bad things for snacks or an emergency breakfast once in a while. Back to school seems to be a good time for toaster pastries, as we all adjust back to a hectic lifestyle. Here are some ways that you can save money on toaster pastries. My favorite way to save … Continue reading

Volunteering Has Its Frugal Benefits

There is no doubt that volunteering is a great thing to do. Think of all of the people that you help when you volunteer! That is the main reason to do it. But, volunteering has its frugal benefits, too. Many times there are perks that go with the volunteering job that save you money. Do you like books? Volunteer at a library. Some of the perks as a library volunteer may include the waiving of late fees, being first on the list to check out new books and an influence over which new books to library orders. Volunteering at a … Continue reading

A $2,500 Hand Bag for Only $60

What if you could sport a luxury handbag that costs upwards of $2,500 for just a mere $60. Would you do it? Chloe Paddington, Coach, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Prada, just take your pick. You could have a hot new designer purse every week, if you like. Two niche companies are making it possible for the average, middle-class woman to show off her millions, even if she doesn’t have them. Bag Borrow or Steal, offers the opportunity to rent out the latest handbag wants to frugal fashionistas. Membership in this rental service is $9.95 a month, although recently they have added … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review – June 11th to June 17th

Another week has begun in Frugal Living and it is time to take a look back at the week. The blog was busy with loads of great articles this week. Are you saving money yet? If you are thinking about it, or want to learn more, just visit some of these articles designed to help you save. Did you miss an article? Here’s a closer look at the Frugal Living blog from this past week. Monday June 11th Saving on Summer Vacations Share Your Frugality With Your Family Frugal Uses for Shaving Cream Frugal Living Week in Review for June … Continue reading

Advanced Tips: An Income And Free Luxuries

If you have been practicing a frugal lifestyle for a while, you probably know all about the basics of saving money. You cut coupons, turn off your lights, shop at yard sales, etc. But if you want to take it to the next level you will need some advanced tips. Here is some advice on getting some of those free luxuries that you may be spending too much for now, or even doing without, all while earning an income. There are many easy part-time jobs that you can do that have perks for the employees. And by taking advantage of … Continue reading