What’s On Your Life Insurance Annual Policy Statement?

A life insurance policy can provide your family with some financial protection that will help them to continue paying the bills after you have passed away. You can learn some very important things about your life insurance policy by reading over your annual notice of policy status. You might think of it as the “Cliff’s Notes” version of your life insurance policy. Most people don’t like to think about life insurance because you cannot do it without acknowledging that you, and your spouse, are going to someday pass away. While it can be uncomfortable to consider this serious topic, it … Continue reading

Affording Life Insurance

While no one really wants to think about life insurance, if you have a family it is an important to have it in place. Life insurance can pay for final expenses, as well as leave your loved ones in solid financial shape. Even non-working parents should carry life insurance, since the death of a stay-at-home parent means that the remaining spouse may have to incur new expenses related to child care. Should both parents become deceased, life insurance money can ensure their children’s future. The bottom line, is that your family cannot afford to be without life insurance. So how … Continue reading

Anticipating Expenses in Your Budget

When establishing a budget, it is important to account for variability. Some monthly expenses change a bit each month, such as your energy bills, others are paid bi-annually or annually instead of monthly, such as taxes, and some pop up unexpectedly. Others expenses may vary in their amounts each month. Knowing how to anticipate your expenses will leave you with a solid budget that is always in the black. First start with the stable expenses, those that do not change from month to month. Some examples might be your car payment, your mortgage payment, or a student loan. You can … Continue reading

Governmental Funding

I just received a call from one of my friends who is concerned that her sister may have developed breast cancer and does not know what to do. The sister is unemployed and uninsured like so many American’s today should that be enough to worry about? Should she have to worry about affording a diagnostic mammogram? She went to a doctor who said well if you were my wife I would have you seen this week! Well we can send men into space but we cannot provide a potentially lifesaving test to everyone who needs it? Should a woman have … Continue reading

Adult Braces

Like many of you, I had braces as a teenager. It was ugly and painful and it seemed to last forever (both the braces and the teenage years). I have no desire to relive those years and though my teeth have shifted back out of that “perfect” smile, I’d need a darn good reason for getting braces as an adult. So, why are so many adults considering and ultimately getting braces? Braces and the science behind them have come a long way from when I had them as a teenager. Maybe you didn’t get to experience this rite of passage … Continue reading