Don’t Sit Idle

Yesterday, I decided to go to the drive-thru of a new hamburger place here in Jacksonville, N.C. Because it is “new,” the line was long and traffic was backed up. As I sat there waiting and idling, I remembered how bad idling is. Why is sitting in an idling car bad? First, there is the emission it releases into the air. It can be so bad that if your city is in a basin like Salt Lake City, the car emission can become trapped, causing smog and unhealthy air. Students in Salt Lake City recently drafted an anti-idling resolution, which … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week In Review for April 23rd to April 29th, 2007

Once again, our three Frugal Living bloggers, filled the blog with over twenty five articles packed with money saving tips and advice. If you you have not visited the Frugal Blog lately, you really should! Monday April 23rd Once again, we started off our week with several terrific articles. Mary Ann gave us Save Money Now! Living Frugally in 10 Minutes or Less, which provides some easy to do tips, to save money with very little effort! She also asked What Did You Pay For Milk In April? which takes a look at the rising costs of milk. These articles … Continue reading

Another Five Ways To Save Money On Rising Gas Prices

Gas prices are almost painful to look at. Once again, we find ourselves paying unbelievable prices, and it is definitely impacting our very frugal budget. Gas is a necessity if you own a car, so it is not like you can just substitute with something else. There are a few ways you can help decrease your overall spending on gas, and some tips to ensure that your gas lasts a bit longer. #1 – If you normally eat out for lunch, at work, bring your lunch instead. No reason for leaving the building and wasting gas on a short trip. … Continue reading