Are Extreme Cheapskates Dangerous?

The thought of spending precious hours going into restaurants with the sole intention of trying to sneakily place my hands between the cushions of a booth to fish out change and then repeat it, booth by booth and restaurant by restaurant, is almost enough to make me want to go out spend money to prove that I have nothing to do with this new face of frugality. If that wasn’t enough to do it, asking other diners for their leftovers is. There are some things that I can applaud on the Show Extreme Cheapskates, such as biking instead of using … Continue reading

Tax Savings You May Not Be Using

Do you want to increase your income this year? Take a look at your taxes. You just may be able to get some money with the following strategies. Amend Past Returns One year, we found out that we hadn’t got tax credits for our youngest child. We went back and amended our tax returns from two years prior, leaving us with a nice bit of extra return. Check over your past returns to see what credits and deductions that you might have missed. Common items that are overlooked include business milage, charitable contributions, home use for business purposes, child care … Continue reading

Extreme Cheapskates on TLC

Have you watched that TLC show, “Extreme Cheapskates?” There is a lot you can learn about frugal living from it, but the question is, how much of it is good? TLC is an extreme phase. “Extreme Couponers” was doing well, and now they need to turn the shock value up a little more. As the producers of an exploitative show such as “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” this shouldn’t be a surprise. You know that you are mostly going to get played for entertainment and not actually learn much anything on The Learning Channel. Oh maybe there will be a … Continue reading

Saving Money When Shopping for a New Bed

It is time for my daughter to get a new bed. We spent on Saturday two weeks ago visiting a couple of stores and pricing out twin beds. The requirements for us were that the twin bed should be white, probably wood, have a headboard and a foot board, and be sturdy enough to carry her through until she leaves for college and maybe beyond. Going shopping online and in the retail stores was a real eye opener. We hadn’t shopped for a new bed for about eight or nine years. Since then, it seems, the quality has gone down … Continue reading

Is it Worth Selling Your Items for Cash?

Cleaning out unused or unwanted items from your house and selling them can be a source of cash, but sometimes it just isn’t worth the time or the expense (yes, expense) to do so. Here are some ways that you can determine whether it is worth it to sell those items or not, and some alternatives that will also save you money. First, how much are your items really worth? Find out how much might actually make in a yard sale or by selling your items online. This will vary on the region you live in, as well as the … Continue reading

How to Make Money with Your Basement

If you have a basement in your home, why not turn it into a money maker? Make money with your basement that you can use to pay down your mortgage or as an extra source of income. First start with a clean basement. This is usually the hardest part. Most people have basements that are filled with lots of stuff. Take everything out and either find new homes for it in other parts of your house or get rid of it (which is an extra money-making opportunity right there). Clean the area thoroughly. Now it is time to make some … Continue reading

Spending is Up, but Not Earning

Industry experts are reporting that Americans are tapping into their savings accounts and using credit cards in an increased account of spending in what they are calling a spring shopping spree. It is bringing a little boost to the economy, but these analysts warn that it might not last long, since earning is not keeping up with spending. People are buying everything from new cars to average consumer goods. This in spite of the fact that gasoline prices are way up and the job market is still very tight. In fact, it is predicted that gas prices will go up … Continue reading

Saving Money, Again

As a single parent is there ever a time when you are not stressed about money? If there is, I haven’t found it. I’ve been a single parent for almost as long as I was a married parent and there is always money stress. Through the years I discovered a couple things that helped. Make a budget, I know it’s no fun, but it helps to know what you have and where it goes. If you can’t depend on your child support, don’t include it in your budget, then when you do get it, it’s like a bonus and you … Continue reading

Are You Wasting Money on “I Really Should” Things?

Do you want to save some money this month? Eliminate some of those “I really should” things. Make your money work for you and get practical purpose or pleasure out of every dollar that you spend. By eliminating the “I should” things, you eliminate the waste, allowing you to use that money on the thing that are really important. What are the “I really should” things? These are items that you think you should have or do, but when it comes down to it, you don’t. What do I mean by this? Take a look at some of the more … Continue reading

The Challenge of Change with Conduct Disorder

I work at a juvenile placement facility for adolescent boys. Today, while we were walking to school, one young man decided to turn around and punch the kid behind him in the face. Pretty much just because he was angry. As I was filling out the incidence report, I noticed that the teen had been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. It made me laugh. Currently at my facility, we have over 250 residents, all teenage boys between the ages of fourteen and twenty. If you look closely, I would guarantee that all but ten have been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. What … Continue reading