Beware of “Aspirational” Marketing

Frugal shoppers are usually savvy shoppers, but even we can become a victim of some well-researched marketing techniques. We find that we “need” things just to survive, but if we really examine those needs, I mean really examine them, we may find that the need is not something directly related to our survival or even happiness. Aspirational marketing is a technique in which the goal is to sell items to people who can’t afford it. I kid you not. The marketers want people who might want to aspire to a different lifestyle but can’t afford it. It is literally convincing … Continue reading

How to Save on Soap

I like to examine different items on our grocery list to see if there are ways that we can reduce the cost of them. With enough things on the list costing less, the overall bill can really go down. One of the things that we seem to go through a lot of is soap. That makes sense. With three children who get into everything, cooking from scratch at home, and trying to keep the illness away during winter, it isn’t surprising that we use a lot of soap. So, with a little thinking, I’ve come up with some ways that … Continue reading

Coupons for Online Savings

Shopping online can not only be convenient, but also very frugal. Online prices of even traditional stores can be lower than most retail outfits. Wal-mart, for instance, often has items online for less than at their stores. And if you don’t want to bother with shipping, you can order them online and then visit the store to pick them up at no additional cost. is a great place for books, toys and more, and they often have plenty of deals going on. Target, Macy’s, and more, there are so many options to shop online. One of the best things … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: September 29th Through October 5th

How is your grocery bill these days? I have been sharing some trick and tips this past week that will allow you to save. Still, prices can be steep. Remember when chicken was cheap? Not anymore. September 29th Frugal Living Week in Review: September 22nd Through September 28th Here is the Frugal Living Blog week in review for September 22nd through September 28th. Beware of “Aspirational” Marketing Frugal shoppers are usually savvy shoppers, but even we can become a victim of some well-researched marketing techniques. We find that we “need” things just to survive, but if we really examine those … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: September 2008

Now that September is come and gone and the kiddies are settled back into school and regular routines, it is time to welcome the fall. Still, there is plenty of good stuff that went on in September, including a bunch of ways to save money. September 1st Frugal Living Week in Review: August 25th Through August 31st Food and back to school are the two things on my mind this week. I e-mailed my son’s teacher ahead of time to ask about additional supplies that she might need for the classroom. She said that she usually asks parents for antibacterial … Continue reading