Making LIfe Easier

Life can be overwhelming sometimes, especially when you are raising children alone. There is so much to do and never enough hours in the day. On top of that, it’s just hard to remember everything you need to do. In the course of raising my girl I found a few things that were indispensable if I wanted to keep some type of order in my life.. I could tell the difference when I used them and when my life seemed more insane than usual I would realize that I had stopped following my own guidelines. Here is what helped me. … Continue reading

Savers Anonymous

I’ve always been a saver. This goes back to many, many years ago when I was a young child. A friends and I found a $20 will, which seems like an enormous sum. An adult split the bill for us, leaving use each with $10. I immediate put mine in the back. My friend took his to the local diner and treated everyone (but me) to milk shakes. While my popularity points went down that day, it still wasn’t enough to deter me from saving money any way that I could. That doesn’t mean that I always made the right … Continue reading

Thinking Ahead to Save Money

A little thinking ahead can save you a lot of money. for example, have you ever had to pay a late fee for not getting a bill or a form in on time? Don’t put things off. Make thinking ahead a part of your normal lifestyle, and you will reap the rewards. Recently, my daughter has been taking ice skating lessons. I was chatting with one of the other parents while the kids were pretending to eat a pizza off of the ice (sound strange, but it is way to practice balance). I found out that we actually paid 10 … Continue reading

Birth Order and Your Frugal Style

Numerous studies have determined that the order in which you are born into your family can affect your personality. While there have to be some exceptions, these typical personality traits can affect your frugal style. One personality type might be really good at saving with coupons, while another is better off negotiating for goods and services to save money. Where do you fall? Only Child I’m going to start with this one, since that is who I am. Only children tend to be big perfectionists and very responsible. They also get along well with people who are older than they … Continue reading

Make It Easy to Not Eat Out

In my household we struggle with not eating out. I grew up on many restaurant and take out meals, and eating out is often as much about entertainment as it is about feeding yourself. But eating out is a big expense in our budget. With a family of five, it usually costs us around $40-45, just for a diner, family style meal or even pizza if we order it at the restaurant. Even a fast food drive thru will cost us $20-25. Here are some more strategies I employ to keep the temptation of eating out at bay. Consider eating … Continue reading

Curbing the Gimmies

Is your toddler or preschooler having a bad case of the gimmies, where she wants every toy, snack or object in the store. Shopping with a young child can be tough, especially if the child has a melt down whenever he can’t have everything he sees. Here are some techniques for curbing the gimmies and setting limits. The both of you will be happier for it. Delayed gratification is tough for a toddler or preschooler. They don’t have the emotional maturity to handle all of the temptation, and they don’t understand why they shouldn’t have something. One way to cut … Continue reading

Baby Skin Problems

This morning, as I was caressing the cheek of my youngest child, I was in awe at how soft it was. The expression soft as a baby’s bottom is said for a reason. Baby skin is amazingly smooth and glowing. But that doesn’t mean that baby skin isn’t prone to problems. Here is a quick guide to common baby skin problems. Diaper Rash Diaper rash is caused when irritants and wetness come in contact with your baby’s skin. It can usually be cured by using a diaper cream at every changing, especially at night, and, or by letting the baby’s … Continue reading

More Extreme Frugality

When does frugal get too extreme or cross over to being cheap? My definition is that if a frugal practice actually creates real hardship for a family or unfairly takes advantage of someone else, then it isn’t frugal in the true sense of the word. The following are some recent stories about frugal practices that I have heard about. Read them through and make a decision about them. Would you do (or have you done) any of these? Are they smartly frugal or just plain cheap? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Writing on post it notes in pencil, … Continue reading

Adolf Hitler Denied Birthday Cake

What if you were only three and your name sparked revulsion everywhere you went? That seems to be the case for little Adolf Hitler Campbell, a cute little blonde boy with big eyes who was denied a birthday cake at a local New Jersey Shoprite because the employees did not want to write his name on his birthday cake. The parents of the little boy are upset about the decision made by the supermarket and can’t seem to understand why the store would refuse to fill their order for a birthday cake. They also seem upset and surprised to find … Continue reading

The Astronomical Price of Strawberries

Okay, by now I am getting used to the cost of food rising everywhere, but when thing rise more than 100 percent in a single week, it can be a bit intimidating. Such is the case of strawberries here in my local town. Exactly two weeks ago, I did some shopping for produce at our local farmer’s market. The prices there aren’t the best I can get, but I always know that the food is fresh and in good shape. Having to throw out produce from our grocery store lately, I figure extra price is worth not having any waste. … Continue reading