When Buying in Bulk Backfires

Buying in bulk can certainly save money at the grocery store, as well as helping you to be prepared in case of an emergency when you couldn’t otherwise go to the grocery store. I am a big fan of buying in bulk, but sometimes it can backfire on you. When buying in bulk, you want to be smart about it, so you can get the best deal. Do you have coupons to use? Often, you should apply those coupons to the smallest size of the product allowed for the most savings. Even with a higher unit price on smaller containers, … Continue reading

Buying Gifts for Your Spouse

Since it’s coming up to Christmas, I thought it would be good to cover the subject of buying gifts for your spouse. Before you can go out and buy a gift it is much easier to start off with an idea in mind. Otherwise you are likely to spend a lot of time wandering around looking at things and coming home with nothing. Some families I know ask for suggestions of things the person would like. This is particularly helpful if they want a certain book and CD, so that you end up with the right title. It can also … Continue reading

Buying Mugs

Buying mugs for your house can be interesting, especially if working to a budget and needing them to be inexpensive. Also, a lot will depend on whether they are going to be tucked away in a cupboard when not in use or on display. Recently Mick and I went mug shopping. Every week we have a bible study group meets at our place and if they all turned up we did not have enough mugs. To my mind there’s nothing worse that standing around having tea or coffee and chat while trying to balance a cup of hot beverage in … Continue reading

Buying Gifts for In-Laws

When it comes to buying gifts for in-laws, it invariably gets left to the woman to do the gift buying. This can be fine if she has a good relationship with them and knows what they like. If she does not, it can be disastrous. There is nothing harder that trying to buy a gift for someone when you don’t know what they like. Often you don’t know what they like, so you wander around the shops. But it’s near to impossible to know what to buy if you haven’t got a clue what you’re looking for. You can spend … Continue reading

Starting Over with Nothing Part 1

As the flood waters have ravaged Georgia, there are many Georgians who have found that they are left to start over with nothing. In some areas house flooded clear to the rooftops. All belongings have been destroyed and they have no flood insurance. Even some people who did have flood insurance are quickly finding that the insurance will pay to refurbish the house but nothing else. Starting over with nothing can be difficult. You may need to find a new home. You will at least need to find a temporary home. You will definitely need new furniture. But first you … Continue reading

Buying a Grill: Questions to Answer

In the good old summer time, there is nothing better for dinner than something cooked on the grill. Here in my home, we are lamenting a lack of BBQ, since our old grill has broken, and we haven’t gotten around to investigating the cause. If the diagnosis is fatal, then we just might be looking for a new grill. If you are thinking about buying a grill, a great way to get ready for this purchase is to ask yourself the following basic questions. Once you have them answered, then you can look into the different features that are available. … Continue reading

Reasons We Spend Today: Buying Power

Do I believe that it is easier to spend now than it was a few years ago? Absolutely. I’ll be going through some of the reasons for that opinion. In the previous article in this series, we talked about how the increased availability of good and services leads us to spend more today that we ever had before. If you missed that article, you can click here: Reasons We Spend Today: Availability. Now, let’s talk about another big reason that we, as consumers, tend to get in over our heads, spending more on things than we can afford. Increased buying … Continue reading

Buying a Home with Bad Credit

Yesterday, I received the following question about buying a home. It is a good one. Houses are plentiful and discounted in today’s market, so provided that you can pay in cash or get a good interest rate, it is a good time to buy. Bad credit can affect your ability to get a good mortgage. On to the question. “I have a question! “We have really bad credit, should we find a realtor that will help us fix/rebuild our credit before buying a house. Or should we try to fix it ourselves?” While a realtor can advise you on ways … Continue reading

Top Frugal Blogs of 2007

I hope your new year celebration was joyous and fun! Think of all of the good things that happened in your life in 2007 and look forward to all of the good things to come in 2008! Did you save a lot of money this year? Did you put into place some frugal practices that you can keep for life? The new year is always a time for a new start. So if you have a financial goal, such as paying for a vacation, becoming a stay at home parent or just using your resources wisely, the Frugal Living Blog … Continue reading

How Buying Gifts Each Month Can NOT Be Frugal

Creating a title for this article was difficult, because I always recommend that people purchase gifts throughout the year to make Christmas a bit easier on the budget, it is an extremely frugal thing to do. People tend to overspend when faced with the daunting task of shopping for everyone on their Christmas list in November and December. I still hold true to that, but I have a bit of advice while you are doing it. Typically I suggest assigning a person to each month, which means that person is shopped for during that month. However this year we did … Continue reading