Raising Kids On a Budget

Money is always a concern, even more so when you are a single parent. Kids need lots of stuff. They start off so small but quickly seem to take up so much space and need so many things. Some things you should not scrimp on, car seats, cribs, things that are important for your child’s safety. There are plenty of other areas to save money. Let’s start with clothes. Babies and toddlers in particular grow so quickly, clothing is usually outgrown long before it is outworn. Take all the hand me downs that are offered. They won’t all be to … Continue reading

Buying Used? Keep It Short and Simple

It can be scary buying used because you often don’t know where something has been or how it has been used or taken care of by the previous owner or owners. While you want to save money by buying used, you certainly don’t want to waste money by buying something that is going to fail or break. Keep it Simple One way to ensure that you get a good value on your used purchase, is to keep it simple. The more simple an item is then the less chance there is for something to break or go wrong with it. … Continue reading

Frugal Living Can Be a Blessing

We all have different reasons for trying to save money and live a frugal life. But too often, we focus on the deprivations of living frugally, such as not being able to eat out often, or living without cell phones and cable television. But this is the wrong attitude. Frugal living is a blessing in many ways. It fosters appreciation Just the other day, my family and I were at a local park and everyone was having a great time. I felt completely blessed to have this great free resource nearby. In the past, before living frugally, I wouldn’t have … Continue reading