Free Thanksgiving Decorations and Ideas

Turkey Day is almost here. Hopefully you have your plans all made for Thanksgiving and the Thanksgiving meal. How about the decorations? Here are some ideas for decorating, as well as links to some free printable decorations. If you have rubber stamps, you can make some great napkin holders. Just stamp out a “thanks” message, a general design or even a turkey on to a piece of colored paper. Cut the paper into a strip, wrap it around a rolled napkin and tape in the back. Family Fun Family Fun Magazine’s web site has a lot of great step by … Continue reading

Frugal Thanksgiving Fun

Whether you are having a huge Thanksgiving gathering or just your immediate family to dinner, it is fun to have a few Thanksgiving theme activities that you can enjoy. It will help keep everyone occupied when the you are all still waiting for the turkey to finish, create some new memories and just make a festive time. Friends and family don’t often get a chance to get together, so why not make the most of it with some planned but frugal fun? Thanksgiving activities don’t have to cost much or even anything at all. Here is a list of some … Continue reading

Choosing Wisely for the Thanksgiving Meal

Some food costs more than others. Here is how to make the best selections for your budget and still be true to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. On Thanksgiving, we tend to go a bit overboard. I know this because the number of leftovers seems to grow exponentially over the years. Everyone has their favorite dishes, and all of them need to be prepared. Why have pumpkin pie when you can have pumpkin pie, apple pie, cheesecake, cookies and a cherry cobbler. Well, I’ll tell you why. All of that food can add up, and expensive ingredients mean expensive dishes. This … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: November 2008

November to be is the beginning of two things. The holiday season starts with Thanksgiving, and then there is winter. Despite the fact that winter doesn’t officially start until next month, the fall seems to give way to the winter in November anyway. We had a day of snow already. Here is looking ahead to December and the end of the year! November 1st Frugal Month in Review: October 2008 “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot. November 2 … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: November 17th Through November 23rd

There has certainly been some good news about gas prices going down, but I don’t think that we are out of the woods just yet. Being good stewards of our resources is a necessity. Take a look at last week’s articles about Frugal Living. November 17th Frugal Living Week in Review: November 10th Through November 16th Job losses seem to be increasing to the point where I am hearing about more and more people that I know being laid off. But I am hopeful that things will turn around. Look for some future posts on dealing with some of these … Continue reading