The 80/20 Grocery Rule

Okay, so you don’t want to bother clipping coupons, watching sales and hunting down the deals that disappear once you get to the grocery store? You can still save quite a bit of money on your grocery bill if you just follow a simple little rule. Take advantage of the 80/20 rule the next time you are out grocery shopping. Basically, what this means is that you make specific choices for basic food. A full 80 percent of the food in your cart should be of basic form. For example, a bag of carrots would fall into this rule, while … Continue reading

More Ways to Cut Your Grocery Food Bill

In my previous post, listed four top ways to cut your grocery food bill. But did you know that there are even more ways to do this. Practice all of the strategies, and you will really slash your bill. here are some more ways to save money on groceries. 5. Practice meal planning. I have to admit that I am not the greatest meal planner in the world, but I do make some meal planning concession. By planning out your meals, you can take advantage of groceries that cost less for that particular week. I’ll give you a recent example. … Continue reading

Top Ways to Cut Your Grocery Food Bill

Let us get those grocery bills chopped down for good! Think of all of the uses for that extra money! Here are my favorite ways to cut your grocery food bill. 1. Use coupons. You knew that, right? When you cut and use coupons, make sure that they are for products that you really need or want. There is no sense in using a coupon for something that won’t get used. How many exotic mustards, meal kits, weird snacks or other items do you already have in your pantry not being used? 2. Clean out the pantry. Ah, do you … Continue reading

5 Things You Won’t Find in My Grocery Cart

Why pay for overpriced groceries that don’t add to your quality of life? You’ll save significant money by eliminating these common items from your grocery cart. 1. Soda Look at food and drink in terms of how much money you spend for nutrition. Soda contains no nutrition at all, so why pay for it? Even some candy is better in nutrition than soda. 2. Paper products Why buy something to throw it away? Paper products can easily be replaced with regular products to save money (and be better for the environment). Use dish cloths and wash cloths for spills and … Continue reading

Tips from the Grocery Discount Rack

Buying groceries from the grocery discount rack or the food salvage store can really save your money. But unlike buying regular foods, you can sometimes run into a few surprises. Here are some tips for shopping from the grocery discount rack or the food salvage store, including what to do in certain situations. Food items are broken or in crumbs We got a great deal on taco shells from the grocery discount rack. As my husband predicted (although I had more hope), many of the shells were broken, rendering them useless for tacos. Well, when life gives you broken taco … Continue reading

Frugal Grocery Food Tips

Would you like to reduce your grocery food bill significantly? Here are some great tips that are easy to follow. Wants versus substitutions It is amazing how many things in our food budget that we consider needs these days. An average grocery list for example, might include cooking spray, paper towels and a whole host of other things that are wants disguised as needs. There are so many ways to save money on your food bill, but one of the most immediate is to separate out the wants versus the needs. In the example list above, that cooking spray is … Continue reading

How to Cut Items from Your Grocery Bill

Chances are that there are things on your grocery list that you really don’t need. I’ll share some ideas and ways to cut items from your grocery bill that will lower your costs without drastically changing your lifestyle. Some items we tend to purchase for convenience or out of habit when it fact, these items really aren’t adding much to our lives. Sometimes the convenience is a matter of an extra minute to five minutes out of the day. To me, that just isn’t worth a large grocery bill. Here are some examples. Paper towels Purchase reusable handiwipes, absorbent dishtowels … Continue reading

Beware of the Grocery Store Sales Aisle

Most grocery stores these days feature a sales aisle where you can conveniently shop all of the sales at once. While this seems like it could be so convenient, you just run in and pick up the sales and then go before you are tempted to buy anything else, it can actually sabotage your grocery budget and make you spend more. Her are my reasons to avoid the sales aisle at all costs. Oh the Temptation Hey did you notice that crackers were on sale? You just can’t pass that one up, even though crackers weren’t on your list. The … Continue reading

How to Win the Competition for Grocery Bargains 3

Shop where the bargains are! Sometimes finding all of those great deals for grocery products that are free or almost free can be difficult, especially when they come in limited quantities. If you missed the first two posts in this series, you can catch up here: How to Win the Competition for Grocery Bargains and How to Win the Competition for Grocery Bargains 2 Leave some stock If you do get a good deal, please don’t clear out the entire shelf if you don’t need it all. The items may expire and you’ll just be hoarding them away from a … Continue reading

How to Win the Competition for Grocery Bargains 2

Do you find yourself missing out on some of the best grocery deals because the shelves are empty once you get there? I’ve been discussing some strategies that can help you get the grocery bargains before they disappear. If you missed yesterday’s post, click here: How to Win the Competition for Grocery Bargains. Shop the small or out of the way store In my area, there are two giant supermarket stores. One is a smaller store, and the other is much larger, with a greater selection, a bigger bakery, a pharmacy, etc. Most people, including us usually shop the larger … Continue reading