Cutting Kids Hair at Home: Girls

Cutting kids hair at home can definitely be a money saver, especially if you have a large family. I used to be intimidated by cutting kids hair, but in reality it isn’t that hard to do. And if you do make a mistake when you are first starting out, well hair does grow back, doesn’t it? I’m just teasing; you’ll be fine. Just read the following tips to make it easier to do. For girls, it is pretty easy to just cut the hair straight at the bottoms and keep it trimmed. As you get more used to cutting hair, … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers can save you money ($20 a week on diapers), especially when you have more than one child who will use them, but there is usually a large cash outlay in the beginning to purchase all of those cloth diapers. Most parents who use cloth diapers spend around $300 for them. Here are some ways to reduce that cost. Buy Used Some people get squeamish about buying used diapers, so you will have to determine if you fit into this category before you seriously start looking for used diapers. That said, if cloth diapers are washed quickly in hot … Continue reading

Reducing the Cost of Raising a Child

If you read yesterday’s post, you know the estimated cost of raising a child. Now, I’ll take those expenses as outlined by Bankrate and go through some ways of reducing them. Let’s look at some of these expenses and general ways to cut them down. Obviously each person’s situation is different, but these are some ideas to help. Groceries: cook from scratch, use coupons, avoid convenience foods, and make your own lunches. Clothing: Take advantage of hand-me-downs, used clothing sales ad ear-end discounts. Bigger home: Bunk two children in one room, reduce the clutter in your current home to make … Continue reading

The Breakdown Cost of Raising a Child

We always hear all of these scary numbers about how expensive it is to raise a child. Unfortunately those numbers can be pretty accurate or even a little bit under, depending on your lifestyle. It is enough for some couples to decide not to have children at all. I’m glad I didn’t know about these numbers when we first started our family, because I might have panicked! has broken down the numbers for the cost of raising a child based on the total cost released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These numbers apply to an average family making … Continue reading

75 Things You Can Do to Save Money (2)

We are counting out 75 different things that you can do to be frugal and save money. Which ones are your favorites? If you missed the first part of this topic, click here: 75 Things You Can Do to Save Money. 42. Carpool. 43. Telecommute if you can or find a way to work from home. 44. Practice gas saving driving, such as keeping a steady pace under 55 mph. 45. Get rid of your gym membership and exercise outside or in your home. 46. Pay bills online. 47. Rent equipment with your neighbors and split the cost, such as … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for September 23-30

Fall is in full swing in our neck of the woods, which seems to be obvious by the cooling temperatures and the trees slowly beginning to change. I never realized how busy life can get in the fall, and that there are new and different ways to save money on anything and everything. I was absent from the blog this week, but some excellent articles and tips for saving money are here for your enjoyment. Avoid Waste with A Leftover List Eating at home is one of the best ways to save money and practice a frugal lifestyle. If you … Continue reading