Guide to Baby Poop

Are you wondering what it means when you find something strange in your baby’s diaper? Here is the scoop on all of that poop. Pay attention to your newborns first few poops. They will look black and tarry. These first bowl movements consist of a substance called meconium. As you baby takes in nutrition, the meconium will clear out of your baby’s system and be replaced by normal stools. This of course raises another question. What do those normal stools look like? If you are breast feeding, your baby’s stools will be a watery yellow, and they will have what … Continue reading

Your $10,000 Baby (2)

Did you know that the average family will spend approximately $10,000 for their baby before it even reaches two years old? We are covering some tips to reduce that $10,000 cost of a child. If you missed the first article in the series, click here: Your $10,000 Baby. Do without the plethora of “necessary items.” Among the things you can do without: a changing table (use a bed, the floor or mount a pad on a dresser), a diaper stacker (just keep the diapers in a closed drawer or shelf away from view or in a basket), a wipe warmer … Continue reading

Your $10,000 Baby

Did you know that the average family will spend approximately $10,000 for their baby before it even reaches two years old? This is what the studies say (the most recent one was conducted by MSN). Does it make you want to rethink parenthood? Probably not, since these precious children are worth much more. But, we can still drastically reduce that dollar amount in several ways. Here are some tips. Breastfeed if you can. Breastfeeding is free and healthy for both baby and mom. In fact, studies show that breastfed infants had a reduced healthcare cost of almost $1,500! The cost … Continue reading

Baby Saving Tips

Congratulations! Expecting a baby can be such an exciting time. It can also be expensive. Those precious little ones require so much, and you can easily spend thousands of dollars in baby’s first year, outfitting your little one with everything she needs. Exhausted days and little sleep create a tendency to spend, too, as what is most convenient often outweighs what is frugal. I like to save money, but there is no way that I am going to tell you to make all your meals from scratch the day you get home from the hospital. I tried, and believe me, … Continue reading

Dipe and Wipe Baby Shower

Want a great theme baby shower for a frugal friend? Try this idea that is guaranteed to be appreciated by any soon to be parents. Today, we were out shopping at Baby’s R Us for a lock for the lazy susan in our kitchen. Our entrepreneurial 17-month old figured out a way to get it open, by using his brute toddler strength to break it! As we contemplated the choices in safety at the store, I couldn’t help but notice how many pregnant ladies there were in the store. Okay, so it is a baby store, but the point was … Continue reading

The Best Prices on Disposable Diapers Today

Sales and coupons aside, there are times when we just need to pick up diapers at the store. Often, we don’t have time to do all of the coupon cutting and sale shopping that is required for getting a good deal. Or, we find ourselves with one diaper left (an emergency situation) and we would almost gladly pay any price just to have a package of them magically appear. Stocking up when we do come across sales is often difficult to do with diapers, since babies outgrown sizes unpredictably, and then there is the matter of potty training. While I’ve … Continue reading

Frugal Living for Large Families

Have you seen the news today? The Duggars announced that they are pregnant with their 18th child. While that is one of the extreme example’s of large families, the truth is that many families are choosing to go larger these days. And with larger families sometimes come creative budgeting. Whether you have a larger family or are just thinking about one, here are some great tips on frugal living for large families. Food is probably one of the biggest expenses with larger families. No matter how else you chose to live, everyone wants and needs to eat. Buying in bulk … Continue reading