My Personal Categories for a Household Notebook

So often others ask me how I divide or categorize my items within my household notebook. It isn’t that they do not understand the use of the notebook, only that they have trouble figuring out how to categorize it. When I discovered household notebooks, I never realized how purposeful and how incredibly important it would become to my family. We rely on this book, and affectionately refer to it as “household central”. If someone comes asking about something they hear “Check household central”. Because I figure if they cannot find it there, it probably is not anywhere in the house … Continue reading

The Best Type of Binder for Household Notebooks

What is the best type of binder for household notebooks? This question has actually been asked to me a lot in my days of spreading the word about our family central binder. The place where the whole family can find almost any information they need. However, the question posed is a good one, because the type of notebook is important. 1” Binder is the bare minimum size that I would recommend. This usually allows a household with maybe one child or two children to maintain a good record for the family. My families binder is a 3” binder. Yes. It … Continue reading

Dividing Your Household Notebook

By now you should have gathered all of the supplies that you need for making your household notebook. If you have not accomplished this yet, I strongly urge you to consider this method of household organization. For years it has saved my family a lot of time and money. So it is now time to focus on the dividers and categories. No two household notebooks are ever the same. Each family has different needs, and has a different focus on family life. For a homeschooling family, they won’t necessarily need a school or field trip section, however they might wish … Continue reading

The Household Notebooks – Divided

Now that you know how to get started in organizing your household notebook, it’s time to figure out what needs to go in each category. I’m turning this article a bit personal, to show you examples of what I put in my household notebook. I also just recently added a “Deals and Savings” category, so although I have a few items in there, I will need to add to that as I go along. This section is further explained below. Many forms are available online to download and print. I suggest using Google to search, however has some wonderful … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for September 3-9, 2007

It was a short week with the Monday holiday, and getting back into the swing of things again on Tuesday threw me off the rest of the week, and I was always a day behind. However, the blogs here at were still filling up with excellent articles on every topic you could want. Let’s see what happened in the frugal living blog this week. More Frugal Decorating With Flea Market Finds Lately I have been obsessed with decorating my home. Partly because we are putting it on the market, and partly because I know we will be getting a … Continue reading