HAPPY: Pet Exemption Bill Introduced in Congress

There was a flyer on the bulletin board at work this morning about the HAPPY Act: Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years. This is a bill that seeks to allow pet owners a tax exemption for pet care expenses. H.R. 3501 seeks to amend Internal Revenue Service codes to allow a deduction of up to $3500 per year for qualified pet care expenses. This doesn’t include livestock — the bill only covers domesticated household pets and does not include animals used for business or research purposes. What inspired this? The bill mentions two key facts: A 2007-2008 survey of … Continue reading

Frugal Shopping: When To Shop For New Clothing

Knowing when to shop for the best deals, is an important part of the frugal living lifestyle. Of course, circumstances can arrive that necessitate the need to purchase something at a less than frugal time. But the knowledge of when you can find the best deals, can often help save loads of money. If you know, in advance, that something around your home, is coming up on needing a replacement, shop for it during the proper month and you can save a lot of money! After contacting several department stores, and working with a human resources manager of a large … Continue reading