Virginity Pledges and Marriage

Do you believe abstinence before marriage? No matter what your opinion in this area is, you might find a recent study about virginity pledges and teens. Virginity pledges are gaining popularity, especially, although not limited to, church youth groups. The object of a virginity pledge is to get young people to agree not to have sexual activity outside of marriage. Some people believe that these pledges cut down on the likelihood that teens will engage in sexual activity that might result in unexpected pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. But a recent study sheds some light on the effectiveness of these … Continue reading

Can a Messy Home Make you Spend More?

I believe that the answer to the above question is a definite yes. A messy home can cause all kinds of spending traps. At least, I try to tell myself this when I am just not in the mood to pick things up or purge things that aren’t useful or really wanted. Having a non-messy home can be a great way to save money on the sneak while boosting your mood (assuming that having a non-messy house makes you feel good). Here are my reasons for believing that a messy house can make you spend more. The biggest reason, I … Continue reading

Saving Money by Downgrading

Downgrading isn’t something that most of us like to do. Usually, we forge ahead and upgrade or super size things in our lives. But there is a lot of joy in downgrading. Not only can you remove many money worries from your life, but living more simply may lead to enjoying yourself more. There is often less of a feeling of having to rush around to fit everything in. Downgrading can come in many different areas and many different levels. You might be comfortable living in a smaller house but could never give up expensive vacations. That is okay, being … Continue reading

The Cream of Soup Budget

Isn’t it funny how even someone who has been practicing living frugally for a while now can still learn new things? Times can change making certain practices that were once very frugal only moderately so. Also, new information pops up all of the time, or at least our awareness of that information does. Both of these factors came on to play with what I am going to talk about next, my use of those canned “cream of…” soups. Previously, I used a lot of canned cream soups in my cooking for a few reasons. The first was that these soups … Continue reading

Frugal Contentment Thieves

Did you know that there are thieves lurking about and ready to steal your frugality happiness? These sneaks can come in to your home and rob away your frugal hard work. How? They can rob your contentment of your frugal lifestyle and tempt you into spending, spending and spending. Here are the most common frugal thieve and what they are all about. Keep them out of your home, if you can! Mail order catalogs These glossy catalogs are filled with beautiful stuff in beautiful home occupied by beautiful people. Or, the people are having them best time walking along a … Continue reading

Do Without and Get Creative

Sometimes scarcity, whether forced or self imposed can often breed creativity. This can be extremely valuable when it comes to frugal living. So many time we get stuck in a rut and do things the way we have always done them because it is familiar or easy. It is hard to think of a better way of doing something when the method you have right now works perfectly well. It is only when we have to work around a problem that the creative juices get flowing and we find some new ideas. Think about our parents and grandparents. During the … Continue reading

The Less is More Philosophy

In the Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn, the “bible” of frugal living to many, Amy receives a letter from a reader who finds a card in the street that reads “Less is More.” The reader holds on to this car and uses it as a philosophy, until she finds out that the card actually came from a packet of cigarettes (Less tar = more flavor). In spite of the card’s real intention, the less is more philosophy is a good one to adapt. Using less, taking less, and even having less can lead to a happy life. I know that … Continue reading

Can You Live on One Income? Taxes Explained

The decision to live on one income is a big one. You may have to cut back drastically on your expenses, such as giving up a cell phone or a car. But for those who dream of having one person stay home, the sacrifices can be worth it. In fact, living on one income may actually make you healthier, despite the reduction in income. How do you know if you are in a position to live on one income? Let’s take a look. The way to approach the question of being able to live on one income is to calculate … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: March 10th Through March 16th

Do you know how to cut your grocery bill? What about practicing debt management? With these uncertain economic times, it is important to save money and resources where you can. I hope that the past week’s frugal articles will help you to accomplish some great saving goals. Here is the Frugal Living week in review for March 10th through March 16th. March 10th Frugal Bunny Costume Want a great idea for Easter? Why not make up a frugal bunny costume with no sewing involved at all? Frugal Living Week in Review: March 3rd Through March 9th Do you know why … Continue reading