What the 50s Housewife Knew

I’ve been reading a lot lately about 50’s era housewives, including a couple of blogs that feature modern women who take on living as though they were still in that era: creating elaborate dinners that often feature gelatin and liver, getting dressed up complete with lipstick before they greet their husband’s good morning, and boiling laundry at the kitchen sink. While I am not quite ready to give up my modern appliances or attitude, there is one thing that I do appreciate about that time period. Everything got used and only disposed of when absolutely necessary. For example, a 50’s … Continue reading

6 Ways to Reduce Our Use of Paper Products

Paper products, such as paper towels, paper plates, paper napkins, baby wipes and even printer paper are certainly convenient in today’s world. But, let’s face it, these products aren’t very frugal. We have come to believe that many of these products are a necessary part of our household, but are they really? Reduce the use of your paper products, and you’ll reduce the amount of money that you spend. Here are 10 ways that we can reduce our use of paper products. 1. Purchase inexpensive dish towels or cut up old towels and use those in place of paper towels. … Continue reading

Cheap Ways to Go Green

Can you keep the spirit of Earth Day alive without sacrificing your frugal lifestyle? Of course! There are plenty of ways to go green without investing in expensive organic or green products. You can make a difference to the environment and keep a fat wallet at the same time. Here are some tips. Electronics Turn off that screen save and instead use the sleep mode or hibernation feature on your computer. You’ll use a lot less energy. Or better yet, if you will be away from your computer for an extended period of time, simply shut it down. It won’t … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 2

Here are even more ideas to help you reduce the amount of trash that comes out of your home. You’ll save the environment, and you may even same some money, too. If you missed the earlier article on reducing your trash, called, aptly, Reducing Your Trash, click here. And now, let’s continue with tips for reducing your trash. Buy concentrated products that need to be diluted before use, such as cleaners, laundry detergents, frozen juice, fruit drinks and more. This will save on packaging, since you will be bringing less into your home. Reduce the amount of catalogues and junk … Continue reading

Frugal Kitchen Towels

If you have had a chance to follow my blogs, then you know that I am a big advocate of reducing paper towel waste. Not only is it frugal to do so, but it is also good for the environment. To take the place of those paper towels, we use terry cloth towels and thing terry washcloths for the kitchen. We can go through several of these towels and cloths in a day. They do everything from wipe sticky hands and faces to clean up spills and dry dishes. I like to keep a good number of the towels available. … Continue reading

Coming Out of the (Linen) Closet

Do they have twelve step programs for towel addicts? I really hope so. Yes, there I said it. I love towels. I’m addicted to terri cloth and can’t imagine life without tons oftowels, be they soft and fluffy or thin and durable. There are oversized bath towels to wrap up in after a hot bath. There are teeny tiny square towels that are used to wipe sticky faces and hands. There are kitchen towels, and wash clothes and towels for the shower. There are towels to step on after the shower. And towels to use to clean up the excess … Continue reading

Don’t Fall into The Paper Towel Trap: Alternatives

In an earlier blog, I talked about the paper towel trap and how those paper towel commercials made you feel like a bad parent if you don’t buy their product. They try to make you believe that the paper towel is a necessity in the American household. After all, how would you clean up spills and wash your windows, right? Well, think about it, how did people do these things before paper towels? Really, I’m not as much of a conspiracy theorist, as I must sound. It is just that I don’t like waste, and paper towels are a big … Continue reading