Sanitize Your Sponges

That sponge sitting near your kitchen sink can be harboring huge amounts of germs. Bacteria, yeast, and mold can all live in a kitchen sponge — meaning that the cleaning you do can actually spread germs around! Health experts suggest cleaning your sponge at least once every week (though twice a week is better). The best way to clean your sponge? Use the microwave. Simply wet the sponge and microwave it for a full minute. A study from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Maryland found that the microwave was the best … Continue reading

Frugal Kitchen Towels

If you have had a chance to follow my blogs, then you know that I am a big advocate of reducing paper towel waste. Not only is it frugal to do so, but it is also good for the environment. To take the place of those paper towels, we use terry cloth towels and thing terry washcloths for the kitchen. We can go through several of these towels and cloths in a day. They do everything from wipe sticky hands and faces to clean up spills and dry dishes. I like to keep a good number of the towels available. … Continue reading

Don’t Fall into The Paper Towel Trap: Alternatives

In an earlier blog, I talked about the paper towel trap and how those paper towel commercials made you feel like a bad parent if you don’t buy their product. They try to make you believe that the paper towel is a necessity in the American household. After all, how would you clean up spills and wash your windows, right? Well, think about it, how did people do these things before paper towels? Really, I’m not as much of a conspiracy theorist, as I must sound. It is just that I don’t like waste, and paper towels are a big … Continue reading