Are Your Frugal Efforts Going Down the Drain?

If you have been practicing frugal living but you still haven’t seen a difference in your savings or aren’t getting ahead, it could be that some of these efforts are being offset by other expenses that are either a direct or indirect result of your frugal living efforts. Have you ever heard the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul?” This is an expression I have heard many times growing up. Basically it means that you are taking money (or efforts) from one place and applying them to another, without ever really getting on top of things. The expression can apply … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: December 8th Through December 14th

The holidays are almost here. We are getting close aren’t we? Have you been keeping that spending under control? If some are has gotten a little bit out of hand, just economize in a different area. check out last week’s blog posts for help. December 8th Frugal Living Week in Review: December 1st Through December 7th By the first week in December I am almost ready with everything for the holidays–at least shopping wise. Of course there are always a few things to pick up here and there, hopefully frugally. December 9th Seven Frugal Holiday Activities Don’t get caught up … Continue reading