Early Bird Specials Evolving

When you think of the typical early bird special at a restaurant, you might think of retirees and older folk who can come in in for dinner at 4 or 5 p.m. and save 10 percent or more. But, the early bird special is starting to evolve, from a way for restaurants to pick up that older cliental, to a survival mechanism for restaurants across the country. As more and more people are practicing a frugal lifestyle, eating out is going way down. That was, until many restaurants started getting hip to the fact that their normal customers were visiting … Continue reading

50-Cent Bread

While 50-cent bread may seem more likely to be the name of a new music group than an actual line item on the grocery list, it can be done. Have you seen the cost of bread lately? Try getting a smallish loaf for under $3. It is nearly impossible, even for the store brand around here. If you want a large family-sized loaf, forget about it. Still, today I went to the store and bought four large family-sized loaves of sandwich bread for only $2, or $.50 cents a loaf. One went on the counter, and the other three went … Continue reading