More Places to Find Money

Who couldn’t use a little found money? The next time you are out on a walk, out shopping, or just out on an errand, look around. You may just find some spare change or even a $20 bill if you keep your eyes open. Previously, I talked about two great places to hunt up some money. Now, let us continue with some more ideas for places to find money. If you missed the previous article, click here: Where to Find Money. 3. Coin counters. Do you know those coin machines that you can usually find in supermarkets? CoinStar is the … Continue reading

Where to Find Money

If you want to have a little frugal fun, why not hunt for money? People are constantly dropping money, especially coins, and if you know where to look, you just might find some. I remember the first time I ever found money on the ground. I was around eight years old and out playing in a parking lot with a friend. We found a $20 bill, which was probably the equivalent of $40 or so today. We split the money, giving us $10 each. How we handled our money was quite different. I elected to save mine, while my friend … Continue reading

Make Extra Money this Spring

Do you need a little extra cash to get you through? With rising prices on food and gas and the needs of growing families, you might just feel a little tight. Here are a number of easy ways to make some money this spring. Yard sale season is here! Take advantage of this fact to go around your home and turn all of your unused and unwanted items into some cash. A good yard sale can yield about $500, although I have known one family who made more than $1,000 in their first yard sale of the season. If you … Continue reading

Tips for Saving Money on Pet Care

A recent trip to Costco had me taking a good look at how much I spend on my pets compared to how much I spend on myself. I do tend to be more frugal for my own stuff, mostly because I can’t explain WHY to my pets. They don’t know high gas prices or cost of living — they just know it’s time for a treat. Owning pets doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some tips to help you cut down on your pet spending (without denying your four-legged family members). Shop around for medical procedures. If your … Continue reading

Earn Money for Treats

Every so often (okay quite a lot actually) I think about little treats for myself or my family. These treats are things that as a frugal person I know that we don’t need or can live without. For example, it might be nice to enjoy a lunch or dinner out, a new book (or paperback swap book), a chocolate bar, a gourmet coffee, an upgrade on my hair cut, a magazine, some trading cards for my son, ice cream out for the kids, etc. They are small things (well, maybe except for the dinner out), but if we were to … Continue reading

Earning Her Catnip: Tabby Gets a Job

Last week I told you about Tabby’s “disturbing” new behavior. This week I’ve been dealing with another bad behavior. Except, unlike the one where she wakes me up at night with her blind jamboree, this one I can work with for my benefit –and safety. Lately Tabby’s been a maniac when it comes to papers. If she sees any loose papers –receipts, newspapers, computer printouts, magazines–she attacks. She shreds it up until there is only a tiny scrap left. Mr. Meow is sort of bad about this, too. (He got Murphy in trouble one time for his antics. See: The … Continue reading

Teaching Toddlers About Money.

I don’t think it is ever too soon to discuss money with children. My parents rarely did – it’s a generational thing I’m sure. My sisters and I didn’t learn about balancing checkbooks or what our parents did on a day to day basis with their money. I sort of knew that sometimes we had cash, and sometimes we didn’t, but I know my mom never wanted us children to have to worry about their financial status. Oh sure, my parents encouraged saving and having summer jobs, but I want to go further with my child. I’m starting now. My … Continue reading

Cheap Summer Snack Ideas

School is out and the living is easy. Days are filled with fun in the sun, adventures in the yard, camp, amusement parks and more. All of that activity makes kids hungry but reluctant to slow down. Here come the summer snacks to the rescue. Kids can fill up on nutritious high energy snacks without adding additional money to the grocery budget. The secret is all in how you play it. So, while the kids get excited about all of their accomplishments this summer, mom can earn a few extra points with the following cheap snack ideas. Popcorn Homemade popcorn … Continue reading

How to Start a Home Baking Business

The holidays are an ideal time to start a home baking business. The high demand for treats combined with the hectic chaos of the season means that many people will be looking for short cuts that save time, while still being able to serve and to enjoy high quality cookies, pies, cakes, candies and more. Do Some Research Talk to neighbors, family, friends and co-workers to find out exactly what type of baked goods they would be most likely to buy. This may give you a good idea of what you should offer and if you already have a likely … Continue reading

Iconic Lunch Box Treat in Jeopardy—What’s a Parent to Do?

HoHos are getting the heave-ho? Say it ain’t so. As you can see by the photo above, clearly, I don’t prohibit my daughter from occasionally wrapping her lips around high calorie, sugary sweets. Everything in moderation, right? My kid is an equal opportunity sweets consumer who rarely encounters a white crystalline carbohydrate-laced confection she doesn’t beg to devour. Given her fondness for fructose, glucose, sucrose and the like, I was a bit incredulous when I learned that Hostess recently filed for bankruptcy protection. How can a company that I’ve financially supported week after week, year after year, satisfying my child’s … Continue reading