Fast Food Recession Menu

One thing that the economy is stimulating is the desire for restaurants to capture whatever money you are willing to spend on outside food. As food prices increase and people start to panic, there is less eating out. Even typical college or high school kids, who tend to be fast food’s biggest customers, are spending their money to fuel their cars instead of their bodies. In response to all of this, many fast food places are responding with more value not less. If they can present a greater amount of food for less money, they believe, the customers will come. … Continue reading

Eliminating Unnecessary Food

Food is rising at a rate that is close to 35 percent above prices from last year. And analysts tell us it will continue to rise even more. That is pretty scary. After all, while we may be able to go without some things to get by, food is an absolute necessity. So how can we make sure that we continue to feed our families good meals in spite of not being able to afford as much food? Here are some strategies to help us along. First of all, cut out all of the unnecessary food items. If you are … Continue reading

How To Serve Food At A Dinner Party

As a host or hostess for an up and coming dinner party, you want to think about ways you can make things easier for yourself when serving food. Conserving energy and saving steps are very important, and you want to avoid jumping in and out of your seat all evening. When setting things up before your guests arrive, think about how you can eliminate unnecessary steps. (It may mean eliminating certain guests on your list, but that can only be your decision.) One thing that might help is to place the salad on the table BEFORE seating your guests. Think … Continue reading

Not Reading Labels Cost Me Money

We try to provide a healthy but frugal diet for our family. I am constantly reading coupon websites, grocery store flyers and unit pricing signs to make sure that we get the most food for our money. We stay away (mostly) from expensive junk foods, such as soda, candy, sugary cereal and packaged convenience foods that are loaded with chemicals. But, I recently found that I haven’t been doing enough label reading, and that fact has cost me some money. How? Here is my story. Let’s start with some salad dressing. We try to make salads several times a week … Continue reading

Addressing the Rise in Prices

In an earlier article posted today: Food and Gas Price Report, I discussed the latest information from the U.S. Department of Labor about our rising cost of food, energy and other goods. Here, I will offer some strategies and ideas for addressing the rise in prices. Let’s first address the rising food prices. To combat these prices and continue to provide food to your family you can (be sure to check the links for more information): Find substitutes for more expensive items, such as using dry milk for baking or drinking, giving up organic milk, baking your own bread, consuming … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: March 17th Through March 23rd

We have been talking a lot about the recession and the rising cost of food here in the Frugal Blog. This is a good time to start practicing frugal living or refining your frugality. I’ll continue to bring you comprehensive articles to help you save your money and resources, especially on food. Check out the articles from this past week. And as always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. March 17th Frugal Living Week in Review: March 10th Through March 16th Do you know how to cut your grocery bill? What about practicing debt management? With these uncertain economic times, … Continue reading

A Guide to Salvage Grocery Shopping 2

Have you heard of salvage grocery shopping? You can save 25 to 60 percent off of your groceries if you practice this method of frugality. But, you need to be careful, too. I’ll share all of the information about what salvage grocery shopping it, how to do it and what tips you’ll need to successful. This is part two of the series. If you missed the first article, click here: A Guide to Salvage Grocery Shopping. The Best Bargains at the Warehouse Store What tips can you use to practice salvage grocery shopping? Here are some things to keep in … Continue reading

A Guide to Salvage Grocery Shopping

Have you heard of salvage grocery shopping? You can save 25 to 60 percent off of your groceries if you practice this method of frugality. But, you need to be careful, too. I’ll share all of the information about what salvage grocery shopping it, how to do it and what tips you’ll need to successful. Salvage grocery shopping is on the rise, as food prices are going through the roof. More people are shopping at salvage grocery stores. I for one, have noticed a decrease in the offerings lately, whether that is because more people are practicing salvage grocery shopping … Continue reading

The Abs Diet – Eating Right the First Time

So what makes a power food in the Abs Diet? I want to explore that a little here, as we get ready to tackle our Sizzling Summer Slim Down. I also wanted to share a little gem – since adjusting my diet to follow the Abs Diet recommended power foods – my mocha cravings are evaporating. As some of you who read the Fitness blog may know. I am extremely addicted to Starbuck’s mochas. The expense alone should be enough to turn me off, but even the expense can’t make my cravings go away. Daily, I find myself in the … Continue reading