Finding Darning Thread

A while back, I wrote all about the frugal art of darning socks. It is really a very easy process, one that can be done while watching television, talking on the phone, or as I sometimes do it, while supervising the kids in the bathtub. Some people may drawn the line at darning socks, preferring to just replace them. That is fine. After all, you have to do what works for you. We tend to prefer thick expensive moisture-wicking socks, so darning them makes sense for us. For kids socks, I usually don’t bother, since they have already gone through … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: February 11th Through February 17th

As usual, the Frugal Blog has been packed with all sorts of frugal ideas. I love discovering new ways of saving money. Of course, sometimes we can go too far, can’t we? I would love to hear all of your favorite ways to save money. Hmm, that sounds like a good excuse for a contest to come here soon. You heard it first! And now, here is a review of all of last week’s frugal articles. February 11th Frugal Living Week in Review: February 4th Through February 10th From storing apples and using alternatives to expensive “green bags” to saving … Continue reading