Boston Bombings and a New Reason to Stockpile Frugally

The Boston bombings have taught us many things. Some we already knew, such as the resilience of the human spirit, how easily ordinary people become heroes, and the strength of a community all working together. It also has taught us some other, more practical lessons, such as to always be aware in crowds, to report suspicious activity, and to be prepared for the unthinkable. One of the many photos of that time that sticks in my head from the Boston bombings is the image of a police officer delivering two gallons of milk to a young family who couldn’t leave … Continue reading

Organize Your Stockpile by Becoming a Shelf Life Expert

I’m always on the look out for good stock up opportunities. When something goes on sale, can be “purchased” for free with coupons, or is on a deep clearance, I instantly calculate how much of that item should come home with me. It is important to know how much, logically, you should stockpile of a particular item or category of items. For example: how many jars of peanut butter should be in your pantry  right now until the next great low price? How many boxes of pasta, packages of toilet paper or bottles of shampoo? it all depends on the … Continue reading

I Lost Some of My Stockpile

When you improperly store your stockpile, you can wind up losing money. That is what happened to me. Don’t let it happen to you. The other day, I was packing up some sandwiches to take with us on one of our frugal summer adventures when I got to the last of the roll of plastic wrap. Since I try to buy ahead when things are on sale, and I have a small stockpile, I’m never worried when I run out of certain things. I just headed downstairs to the basement to pick up a new roll. It used to be … Continue reading

How to Build Up a Stockpile

Having a stockpile of basics and favorites really helps you save money in the long run. You can prevent extra trips to the store; you can have plenty on hand to serve for dinner and avoid take out costs; you can get your food items at the lowest prices. The best way to build up a stockpile is usually slowly. This way, you never spend too much money at once, and you can have a plan in mind when it comes to storing your stockpile. concentrate on building up just a few items per week until you have a good … Continue reading

Managing Your Stockpile 2

Do you have a well-organized stockpile? It doesn’t take too much effort to maintain a stockpile if you know a few tips. Yesterday, I started talking about how to manage your stockpile and avoid waste. Now, let us continue with the tips, including some recipe secrets. When you have a stockpile, it is important to be flexible enough to adapt when there are dietary or taste changes. For example, my husband used to take lunch meat as his lunch to work almost every day. Now he prefers soup. So, I have a couple of jars of mayo and salad dressing … Continue reading

Managing Your Stockpile

Having a stockpile of food and household goods that you purchase on sale makes good sense, especially now when the prices on things keep going up and up. For example, I purchased an extra bulk box of laundry detergent for $20. The price today is $30 for the same box. That is a 50% increase! The bulk organic flour I purchased cost me $25 for 25 pounds. Today the price is $50, a 100 percent increase! I purchased cans of pizza sauce on sale for 59 cents. The price today is 99 cents. You see what I mean. But one … Continue reading

Five Reasons to Stockpile Food

Among frugal living people, there is sometimes the debate about stockpiling food. Critics of stockpiling food point out that the money used on stockpiled food could be put in a bank to earn interest instead of invested in food that might go stale or bad. They may say that with a general income that keeps pace with inflation, there is no sense in stockpiling. Or they say that the stockpile takes up too much room in the home, costing you livable space. All those reasons may be valid, but I still have to say that I am pro stockpiling. Recent … Continue reading

The Importance of Food Storage

How long could you last without a trip to the grocery store? What if you didn’t count buying fresh milk? If there was a particular reason that you couldn’t travel would you and your family be okay? As winter weather comes, you may not be able to make it to the store for two or three days and they may be low on food due to an ice storm and a run on the groceries. In addition to surviving an ice storm or a blizzard do you have enough food to last you longer than that? If you do have … Continue reading

2012 Drought Stockpiling

The drought of 2012 is expected to have a huge effect on already high grocery prices. Expect your grocery budget to go up by the end of this year. Now is the time to start stocking up on certain food items and ingredients to get you through the price increase and minimize the impact the drought pricing will have on your family budget. What is the 2012 Drought? A scarcity of rain combined with higher than normal temperatures has lead to weak US crops. These crops have grown slow or have failed to grow at all. In some cases, the … Continue reading

The Basic Pantry List

What should you have in your pantry to be prepared? Having a number of basic items in your pantry can mean the difference between eating and not eating in the event that a disaster or hard time strike your family. These basic items can be combined into many different meals, so you should always have them on hand. Here are just some reasons why having an emergency pantry could come in handy. If you lose your employment and have to make do on a limited or absent income If there is a disruption in the supply chain that makes getting … Continue reading