Once A Month Cooking

I don’t really like cooking, I mean, I don’t hate it but it’s not at the top of my list of things I want to do after working all day. I’m always looking for shortcuts and ways to make dinner easier without resorting to packaged foods or fast food. Once a month cooking takes care of all of those things. The idea behind once a month cooking is that you do all your cooking in one day, package your meals for the freezer and then you have dinner with minimal prep work. There are many websites that will do most … Continue reading

Summer Crops, the CSA and Cooking Corn

It isn’t too late in some areas to join a CSA farm and get wonderfully fresh produce. This week, we receive a bounty of traditional summer crops that were so fresh, you could practically see the drops of dawn sunlight still lingering on them from being picked that morning. Here is what we got, and what we are planning on doing with it. Broccoli This week, our head of broccoli was a little on the small side, so I’m guessing that we are nearing the end of the line with this crop. Still, there should be enough again for my … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Caring for Small Children

Pregnancy is quite the journey for the first-timer, but it can be downright rocky when there’s a toddler running around, or a whole brood for that matter. First time pregnant moms have the freedom to nap when they are tired, rest when they are ill, sit when they are sore, and eat when they are hungry. Pregnant moms with a toddler running around their feet face the challenge of running the house on “empty,” cooking when they are sick to their stomach, chasing kids despite aches and pains, and eating on the go when there is no time to sit … Continue reading

Convenience Meals without the Convenience Foods

Did you know that a recent survey declared that the number one consideration when people are deciding on dinner is convenience? Convenience trumps cost, nutrition and even taste. Modern food manufacturers understand this information all too well. They use it to their advantage to provide high cost convenience foods in small portions. What is more, these foods usually contain quite a number of artificial ingredients. There are more and more convenience foods on the market than ever before and less staples out there. Did you know that cereal was once the ultimate convenience food? Now it is often seen as … Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of a Large Refrigerator

When we moved to our new home, one of the options we had was whether or not to keep the refrigerator that was already here. We had to leave our old one at our old home for the new owners. The refrigerator that went with our new home was old and small, so the decision wasn’t too hard to make on letting it go. This meant that we needed to shop for a new refrigerator. Because we were starting from scratch, we could pretty much pick out whatever refrigerator we wanted, within a reasonable budget of course. One of my … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: September 2008

Now that September is come and gone and the kiddies are settled back into school and regular routines, it is time to welcome the fall. Still, there is plenty of good stuff that went on in September, including a bunch of ways to save money. September 1st Frugal Living Week in Review: August 25th Through August 31st Food and back to school are the two things on my mind this week. I e-mailed my son’s teacher ahead of time to ask about additional supplies that she might need for the classroom. She said that she usually asks parents for antibacterial … Continue reading

Frugal Pantry: Pasta

When you reach into that pantry to plan out dinner, you might want to consider pasta. Pasta can be a great source of a filling meal. And with pasta, there are so many inexpensive options. Shopping carefully, you can get 16 ounces of pasta for less than $1. Add a few inexpensive ingredients, or even a small amount of expensive ingredients, and you still have a meal to feed the entire family for less than $5. I enjoy trying new pasta dishes, especially when I can throw some things together using food that we already have around the house. Last … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: April 28th Through May 4th

With food and gas prices being so expensive, even the non frugal are becoming frugal. People are having a rude shock when they realize that their dollars aren’t going as far as they should. This is leading a huge interest in frugality and saving money. Living frugally is becoming a widespread necessity. That is why I hope that you can use and enjoy all of the great articles here in the Frugal Living Blog. Here are just the ones from last week, in a handy review. April 28th Frugal Living Week in Review: April 21st Through April 27th This week … Continue reading

Three Ideas for Cooking What We Have

Are you throwing away valuable food that can be put to good use? Even the smallest of leftovers, the most overripe of fruit and the remains of a meal can be used deliciously for meal prep. If you make it a habit to use everything you have, you will shave your food budget by at least 25 percent (the amount of food that generally goes to waste in American households). Here are three ideas for cooking what we have, based on my adventures in the kitchen this morning. I find that weekends are a good time to take stock of … Continue reading

Meal Co-Ops (1)

In my previous article, I talked about forming co-ops to share resources and save money. One of the co-ops I talked about was the meal co-op. I think this is a great idea. So, let’s talk about it a little bit more. In a meal co-op you share meals. You cook once or twice a week and have a week’s worth of varied meals to enjoy. Not only do you save money by shopping and cooking in bulk, but you save time, too. You will be less likely to rely on convenience foods or take out foods on those busy … Continue reading