Spring Beauty Tips

Spring has sprung! The trees are in bloom… and it’s time for you to bloom too. Are you ready to turn your best face towards the sun? These beauty tips can help rejuvenate you all over! Keep your skin soft by reducing the amount of soap you use. Most of the body can get clean with just a rinse; focus your soap on the face, underarms, feet, groin, and rear end. Use a mesh puff to apply soap, rather than the bar itself — the soap will foam more so you can lather up well with less. Always soap up … Continue reading

Make Your Own Blemish Scrub

If you want to treat blemished skin in a natural way, don’t look to those expensive creams, lotions and potions that promise natural ingredients from the four corners of the earth. Instead, look to your own garden or grocery store to find everything that you need to make your own blemish scrub. You can customize your products for your skin and save lots of money at the same time. To make this great blemish scrub, you will need the following: 1 peeled and seeded tomato, preferably home grown or organic 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, fresh from the lemon 1 … Continue reading

Frugal Solutions for Dry Skin in The Bath

Use these frugal solutions in the bath for the smoothest most hydrated skin. The winter, with its dry air and exposure to indoor heating really wrecks havoc on skin, turning it dry, irritated and even cracked and bleeding. It is important to get your dry skin under control and help it start its healing process. Creams and lotions often make the situation worse, especially if you are trying to save money. That is because most lotions contain alcohol, and alcohol dries skin! This is true even on most of the the expensive designer moisturizers. Go ahead and look at those … Continue reading

Frugal Solutions for Dry Skin at Home

Do you have dry, red, irritated skin? Before you reach for those expensive moisturizers, why not seek out some frugal solutions at home? Winter has definitely arrived and skin everywhere is suffering the effects of indoor heating and low humidity. Whether your skin is just starting to get dry and flaky or it is raw and cracking, there are plenty of ways you can bring some moisture and healing back to your skin in a frugal ways. The first and best relief and prevention for dry skin is water of course. Put as much water inside as you can, and … Continue reading

Frugal Beauty Soak and Scrub

In an earlier blog, Witch Hazel Makes a Great Toner, I shared one of my mother’s favorite frugal secrets. She always had such glorious skin and a youthful appearance. Here is another one of her favorite staples for beauty, a soak that replenishes lost magnesium and soothes the skin. it can also be used as a gentle scrub to slough away dead skin cells and give you a healthy glow. What is this miracle product? It is a lovely little soak and scrub imported from Paris, France worth every penny of the $45 an ounce you pay for it. Okay, … Continue reading

Uses for Epsom Salt

Do you have one product that you use for bathing, one that you use to soak your foot, one that you use to clean your face one to help with your arthritis, and one you use to exfoliate your skin? Did you know you could use one simple product to do all that? Epsom salt has been around for years and years, but some people overlook its usefulness. Maybe it’s because they think it is too inexpensive to do any good or maybe they look at it as “just being salt.” You may have soaked in Epsom salt before and … Continue reading

Walking Barefoot is Good for Your Feet!

I love to be barefoot. As soon as I walk in the door, I take off my shoes — it’s a good way to keep contaminants out of the house, but I just do it because I’m more comfortable barefoot! Walking barefoot can actually be good for you. Wearing shoes can make your foot muscles weak; going barefoot can stretch and exercise your toes and arches. Walking barefoot also helps improve balance! (I do find that I have better balance without shoes — I once climbed some rocks at a lake and was surprised at how much easier it was … Continue reading

Make Your Own Eye Soother

Do you wake up sometimes with tired puffy eyes? It happens frequently here for me when the kids have slept well. Allergy season is another time when puffy eyes seems to make a frequent appearance. Well here is a homemade way to sooth those puffy eyes at a fraction of the cost of fancy creams. You have heard of using cucumbers over your eyes, haven’t you? We see it all of the time on television, in movies and in magazines. Whether someone wants to promote the idea of a woman in a fancy spa, she is always lying there, wrapped … Continue reading

Make Your Own Toothpaste

Want to make your own toothpaste? Here is a frugal and natural way to do it! Making your own toothpaste is very easy and very frugal. With tubes costing up to $4 or more these days, home made toothpaste can really save you some money, especially if you are like me. I obsessively brush my teeth at least four times a day if not more. I was blessed with “marshmallow teeth,” as one dental hygienist pointed out. It takes a lot of care to keep my teeth healthy. When you make your own toothpaste, you won’t have the benefit of … Continue reading

Pretty Nails: Save $500 A Year

If you learn how to do your own acrylic Nails, you can save $500 a year or more. Thanks to the advice of a woman who does nails professionally, you can have pretty nails at home. Last night, my husband and I decided to put in our wedding video. We hadn’t viewed it in ages, and our kids had never seen it. “Mom, you look different,” my five-year-old said. “Well, Kid,” I thought to myself, “Three children will do that to you!” But he was right in a sense. In the video, I had been pampered, something I have been … Continue reading