Frugal Car Cleaning

Why spend lots of $$$ for all of those specialized car cleaning products? Here are some great tips on what you can use to clean your car, inside and out and do it frugally. When you want to clean your car’s tires, specifically the white walls, don’t be gouged by buying a product specifically made for car tires. Instead, grab a little bit of your bathroom cleaner to do the trick. Lysol Tub and Tile and Scrubbing Bubbles are two products that I know work wonderfully on tires. They get the white walls really white, and they are less expensive … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for September 10-16, 2007

The weather changed drastically here over the past week, and we even had to pull out the fall clothing. It was fun, and I enjoy this weather because it means a much more comfortable outside experience. Plus, the fall and winter months seem to save us money, and I am on a mission to figure out why. Here is what we have been up to in the frugal living blog this week. Frugal Seasonal Clothing Switch This weekend is the weekend where we pull out the fall clothing and pack away the tank tops and flip flops. It is always … Continue reading

Frugal Bug & Tar Remover

One of the most disgusting things has got to be the little bits of bug guts that can accumulate on cars and even on the windows of your home. Maybe this doesn’t bother everyone the way it does me, but I have major issues when it comes to bug guts, bug parts, bug trails, etc. The situation gets worse when those bug guts get the opportunity to bake for a couple of days in the sun. One of the first things you might be inclined to do is wash your car in one of the traditional methods, by hand or … Continue reading