A Very Frugal Christmas Part IV

  Once the layers of chocolate were set but before they were hard snap set, I cut the big slab of peppermint into two by two inch pieces.  Gathering up all the candy tins that I had saved or found on clearance over the last year, I started filling the tins with both peanut brittle and peppermint bark to give as gifts to brothers, sisters, and our parents (the grandparents).   Two hand crocheted cotton washcloths accompanied each tin of candy and the parents (grandparents) also received an updated family photo that my husband and I took ourselves to save money … Continue reading

Retailers Hope You Have Frugal Fatigue This Holiday

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that retailers are really hoping that you, the consumer, will be suffering from frugal fatigue this holiday season, and they will be doing everything they can in order to encourage you to let go of frugal habits and spend this season. The holidays are usually a time to spend and indulge, so it really a danger zone when it comes to falling off of the frugal wagon. If you aren’t careful, you may wind up spending more than you planned. If you have solid financial goals, such as to pay down debt, to save … Continue reading

Neighborhood Sharing is Frugal

Did you know that just by having neighbors you can save money? That is because when neighbors band together they can support each other in many endeavors, including saving money. Sharing your goods and services with your neighbors is a great way to build community, too. There are many ways to share resources. For example, you may want to join a bulk food store or a food co-op as a group. This will save you on the membership fees and allow you to get the savings from bulk purchases without anything going to waste. You can also share on equipment … Continue reading

Frugal Trips for Holiday Travel

If you are planning to travel over Thanksgiving or the winter holidays, there are some things that you should know. The Today show recently did a story called What the Travel Agents Do Not Want You to Know. They discussed some very important expenditures that could run your budget over during while traveling. Car rental: While airlines and hotel deals are very reasonable this winter, car rental companies have doubled their prices. Instead of renting from car rental companies, go to car dealers instead. Many of them are glad to rent cars that are sitting on their lots costing them … Continue reading

Is it Strange to be Frugal?

I did an interview this morning on Living without credit cards. It was on The Take Away, an early morning National Radio Show. Myself, a man in Los Angeles, and a financial expert Beth Kobliner were interviewed on life without credit cards and how we cope with them. During the radio interview and also during the pre-interview, I was introduced to the possibility that people look at the frugal, and especially those who live without credit cards as being a bit strange, and definitely off the mainstream. It never occurred to me that having good financial sense was odd. I … Continue reading

Online Teen Bank Accounts Allow Parental Monitoring

Paypal has recently announced teen accounts which allows parents to open accounts for their teens. As it is a sub account of the parent, the teen account allows the parent control and oversight of the account. Parents can receive alerts, and grant permission for different functions of the students account. The account allows the parent to get money to the student’s account instantly (an eliminates the need for expensive services such as Western Union)that is often used when kids are in college and are in need of money quickly. Kids are issued Teen cards that allow them the convenience of … Continue reading

Living without Credit Cards

It has been several years since I have used a credit card. It started after a long period of unemployment for my husband when we were just maxed out and I could not use them. As time went on and our situation loosened, I never really saw the need to begin using them again. If I wanted something, I used cash, (or a debit card), and never relied on money I didn’t have to buy anything. When I traveled to Los Angelos from GA last summer, I thought I was going to use credit to survive on my trip. I … Continue reading

Frugal Guest at the Wedding

Wedding season is upon us, and you may be looking forward to attending several weddings in the next few months. Did you know that the average wedding guest spends somewhere between $200 and $500 just to attend a wedding let alone be part of the wedding party? Here are some ways to cut your spending without being cheap. Travel and lodging can be a big expense when it comes to attending weddings. There are several ways to cut costs. The bride and groom may have already made arrangements for lodging and transportation, but if they haven’t there are still some … Continue reading

How to Survive When Your Friend Isn’t Frugal

She dines out at least three times a week while you wonder how to stretch that chicken to last for one more day. You get your fashions from thrift stores and consignment shops, while she is collects Jimmy Choos as through they were seashells. How can you survive this disparity without losing a friendship? Be honest not rude Your frugal ways could be interpreted as a lack of interest in the friendship or even snobbery. If you are constantly turning down requests to go out to dinner or visits to the spa, gently explain why. If something just isn’t in … Continue reading

Kids, Frugality and Being in Fashion

Accommodating trends in kids clothing without spending a fortune can be a little tricky but not impossible. Here is how to help your child still be cool without spending $1,000 on clothes every year. Proper Fit If you do nothing else with your child’s clothing to help him or her be in fashion, please at least ensure a proper fit. Nothing will get noticed more by other kids that clothes that are too small or in some cases too big, depending on what the current trend happens to be. Remember “high waters?” Whether you use hand me downs or buy … Continue reading