Inexpensive Homemade Candy

If you need a last minute gift that will be well received, think about making some inexpensive homemade candies. Homemade candy can be a bit more festive than the usual Christmas cookies but just as inexpensive. Stick with recipes that are simple but delicious in order to spend the least amount of time and money to create your gifts. Plus, since candy can be very rich, you don’t have to make too much of it to still have a significant gift. You will need something to use to hold and present your homemade candy gifts, so start there. Many pretty … Continue reading

Winter the Fun and Frugal Way

Winter is a great time to have some frugal fun. Reduce your entertainment budget with the following ideas. Fun in the Snow If you are lucky enough to have snow in your region this winter, then you can have a ton of free fun such as: Putting water and food coloring into spray bottles, then creating snow art. Will you create the Mona Lisa or Bart Simpson? Building a snowman or two. Have a family contest for the biggest, most creative or funniest creation. You can also gift someone a homemade snowman kit. Just provide an old hat, charcoal briquettes, … Continue reading

Back to Nature for Frugal Fall Decorations

The other day we were out shopping in Lancaster county, at a little gem of a store. We were looking for something very specific for our home, a set of three candles that we loved but had decided to wait on purchasing until we were sure we really wanted them. On the way through the store, I stopped to admire some fall decorations and picked out a lovely little pumpkin with some hand carving in it. Unfortunately, the price wasn’t too lovely, especially for my husband, but it did inspire me to look beyond cost to find some more frugal … Continue reading

Fall Travel for Frugalistas

The key to saving money while you enjoy a fabulous fall getaway is to visit places that allow you to get the most bang for your buck. For example, if you are planning to take a road trip to pick pumpkins or apples this autumn consider visiting a larger all-inclusive establishment. Some orchards and farms offer you the chance to not only pick your own produce, but also provide hayrides, food samples and access to petting zoos (complete with pigs, chicks, rabbits, sheep, cows, and more) minus the extra charge. Mackey’s Orchard in Belvidere, New Jersey, offers customers a 20-minute … Continue reading

Free Fall Festivals

Fall is here and it seems everyone is encouraging you to get out and enjoy Mother Nature. The leaves are glorious, the temperatures are comfortable and the mood is relaxed. But, you’re broke and there are only so many free walks in the woods you can take before you get tired of looking at falling leaves. Fortunately, there are other options for penny-pinching families. Free festivals are amazing places for frugalistas to spend fall weekends. Simply pack up the gang and head out to these kid-friendly events that don’t require you to spend a single dime to partake in seasonal … Continue reading

Fall Home Bargains

I love the fall. It has to be my favorite season of all. The weather is crisp but summer, the afternoon sun has that warm glow reflecting off the colorful leaves, the fall festivals, hay rides and farmers markets are in full swing, and you expect the smells of apples and cinnamon every where you turn. Getting our home ready for fall is one of my favorite things to do. It just seems to warm up the whole place and makes me feel like snuggling my kids and trying out a new recipe, such as pumpkin whoopie pies. It also … Continue reading

Fall Beach Deals

Who knew procrastinating could yield such major savings? Timing is everything in the world of travel, and when you are able to be flexible with your vacation dates, your wallet will thank you. While the rest of the world is heading back to class to start the new academic year, you could be relaxing on an empty beach at a price that can’t be beat. Fall is considered “off-season” at many popular beach resorts, which means minimal crowds, incredible weather and fabulous savings. If you are looking to soak up the sun, sand and surf without going into debt, consider … Continue reading

Six Critical Skills for Frugal and Eco-Friendly Kids

These are frugal times, and these are times when environmental consciousness is rising. How can you prepare your kids to live as adults when times are more frugal and much more ecologically conscious? This generation of parents has lost a lot of the skills that our grandparents had. I know I have, and I’m trying to regain them. Here are six ways that you can help your children become frugal adults. By modeling these skills and allowing your kids to help, you’ll give them great know-how for the future. Preparing Food Prepared food is something that is easy for kids … Continue reading

How to Make Kettle Corn at Home

Kettle corn is a fun summer or fall treat that everyone in my family enjoys. We used to have to wait for a trip to Lancaster, Pa, in Amish country, in order to indulge. They make the best kettle corn, complete with a real kettle, and you can watch them cooking it. We would discuss which size tub we should purchase, which depended on whether or not we were also going to make a trip to the homemade ice cream stand next door. Fortunately, I discovered that this treat can also be made at home, with or without a kettle. … Continue reading

Detoxing Your Home

Did you know that a recent study examining infant cord blood found it to contain more than 300 different chemicals? These are chemicals that are not naturally occurring in the body. Instead, they were chemicals and toxins taken in from the mothers’ environment or consumed through food. Many of the chemicals that we come in contact with every day, through touch, breathing or eating are toxic, known to contribute to diseases from asthma to cancer. While we can’t eliminate entirely the toxins in our modern lives, we can make sure that are homes, the place in which we spend the … Continue reading