Yes or No? Answer These Frugal Questions

When it comes to frugal living, there is sometimes a fine line between being smart about saving and being a miser. Here are some practices that many frugal people use. Are they common sense or going to far. See what your responses might be, yes or no, to each of these questions. You go out to dinner and want to keep your bill as low as possible. Would you do any of the following: You order a free water with lemon. You then squeeze the lemon and add some sugar or sweetener to make your own lemonade. You order a … Continue reading

Frugal Valentines Blogs

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope your day is filled with lots of good things. Here we are battling lots of snow. Yesterday, I paid a group of kids $15 to shovel the walk, and it was not very frugal. They did a very poor job. So, I was very resigned to having to shovel the rest of the snow today. Wow, as I was writing this, my very great neighbor knocked on the door. He offered to move my car so he could use his snow blower on the street. He already did our walk and the sidewalks on the … Continue reading

Frugal Funny: Conversation Hearts

Whenever Valentines Day approaches, so do those cute little conversation hearts. You know the ones. The brightly colored necco candy with the quirky sayings such as “Sweet Talk” and “Love Me.” I can remember exchanging them with my friends when we were school girls. We never gave any to the boys, although we might leave one or two anonymously on a desk for a boy we had a crush on. Easily embarrassed, we always ate the really mushy-sounding ones that had the word “love” or “luv” in them. We did this while making goofy faces, of course. Ones that said … Continue reading

Technology Makes it Hard to Relate

Between the ages of 13 and 15, I read books, took walks to the park, and watched a fair amount of TV. Sometimes I talked to my friends on the phone, but it was only long enough to make plans to meet at the corner or in our usual place in the park or library. My recollections of being a teenager makes it hard to relate to my kids. Let’s start with cell phones. The problem is not with my kids using the phones too much. I actually lucked out on that one. My kids use just a few minutes … Continue reading

The Pleasure of a Romantic Movie

It is funny how things work out. Last night, my husband and I had a rare couple of hours to ourselves. It hasn’t been easy lately. With family and friends dropping over for the holidays, and me working in the evenings after dinner, we seem to keep missing some alone time. So back to last night. We collapsed on the couch together and before we could even consciously decide how we wanted to spend the rest of the evening, we got sucked into a movie on cable television. I got sucked in first when I turned the television on for … Continue reading