Best Frugal Food Ingredients 2

Saving money on your grocery bill can be made easier by choosing frugal food ingredients that are good buys for the money. You want food that is nutritious but still inexpensive. When you fill your pantry and refrigerator with frugal food ingredients instead of standard fare, you’ll automatically save on that bill. In yesterday’s post, I shared some of frugal food ingredients that I use when preparing meals for my family. If you missed that post, you can click here to catch up. Now, I’ll keep going with my list. Use most of these ingredients in your food preparations. Canned … Continue reading

Best Frugal Food Ingredients

Many people are put off with many money saving strategies for saving money on groceries. Just the thought of calculating prices, keeping track of sales and clipping coupons can be overwhelming. well, I do have some good news. You can still save money without using coupons or keeping a price book. Just make sure that you diet consists of most of the best frugal food ingredients and you’ll be sure to save. Potatoes Potatoes are so versatile and inexpensive. You can usually save when you purchase them in bulk, at least 10 pounds at a time. Keep them in a … Continue reading

Frugal Homemade Seasoning Recipes

Forget the entire expensive spice rack where the spices expire before you can even use them all. You can save money and space, too, just by making some of your own seasonings. It isn’t as hard as you might think. You just keep a few basics on hand, and you can make up your own personal collection of spices for a lot less than buying those little bottles at the store. I am a big fan of seasonings because you can do so much with them to make inexpensive food very tasty. Here are my favorite recipes for frugal homemade … Continue reading

9 Meal Ideas for Leftover Chicken

The prices on whole roasting chicken has been pretty good lately, so I have been finding myself buying quite a few chickens for our meals. My family likes roast chicken, so it isn’t usually a problem, except for the leftovers. They can get a little boring after a while. That is why we usually have one meal of roast chicken (I vary the seasonings), and then use the leftover chicken in new dishes, some of which I can freeze.   Here are my favorite ways to use leftover chicken.   Chicken Pot Pie: You can use a butter crust, shortening … Continue reading

Cheap Food for a Large Crowd: Snacks

Whether you are hosting an event or just trying to feed your large family, being able to prepare good, inexpensive food in large quantities is important if you want or need to keep your food budget from exploding. Here are some ideas for frugal food recipes. With our family or five, we need a large refrigerator that can hold at least three or four gallons of milk for the week. In addition to our kids, we often have a few extras over at dinner or lunch, especially on the weekends. So, I’m starting to get good at producing inexpensive meals … Continue reading

The Five Minute Bedroom Pick up

The bedroom can be one of the most neglected areas of the home. Since it isn’t usually a room that is in the general flow of the household or a place that company gets to see, it can get pretty cluttered. This is a shame, because a cluttered bedroom isn’t peaceful or serene for sleep. Here are some tips on having a five minute bedroom pick up. Make the bed Making a bed actually takes less than five minutes. Making the bed is important, because it establishes a routine for the bedroom pick up, and it is amazing how neat … Continue reading

How to Sweep 2

Okay, so we have got the basics out of the way when it comes to how to sweep quickly and efficiently. Now here is more, including notes on technique and how to pick that dirt up. Sweep this way While sweeping may seem somewhat instinctive, you’ll have better results if you hold the broom with one hand on top of the handle and the other hand toward the middle of the broom. Think of it as though you are holding a canoe paddle. To get a good sweeping done, push your hands in opposite directions. This will give you a … Continue reading

How to Sweep

While sweeping is simple (even a four-year-old can do a good job sweeping), having proper technique when sweeping can make the job easier and faster. Here are some things that you need to know all about sweeping. First things first When cleaning, it is generally better to start from the top and work your way down. So if you have to sweep up the crumbs on the dining room floor, first wipe down the table and chairs, or you may find yourself doing the sweeping twice. Keep your broom handy at all times. Getting little messes right away will be … Continue reading

Clever Household Tips

Do you know how to treat an underarm stain or stop the pain of a paper cut? Here are some clever household tips for you to try out at home. Underarm stains Underarm stains can be so frustrating. You’ve tried all sorts of cleaners, including bleach and Oxyclean, right? Here is a little trick that seem to get the job done for t-shirts and other cotton shirts. Dissolve nine aspirin into a cup of warm water. Saturate the stain with the solution and allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes. Then launder your shirt as usual. Pencil stains … Continue reading

Three Recipe Ideas for Overripe Fruit

You may have heard me say this before. Americans routinely toss out 25 percent of their food! Can you believe it? A good portion of that waste can be attributed to produce that goes bad before it can be used. Here are three recipe ideas that you can use to use up overripe fruit instead of tossing it out. There are other ways we waster food. We just tossed a huge bag of chocolate chips (my kids will eat whole wheat and flax as long as it has chocolate chips in it) because of our recent mouse problems. Boy did … Continue reading