The Princess of Frugal Has Returned

Having always been known amongst my family and friends, neighbors and sometimes even strangers as the Queen of Frugal, what’s the deal with the sudden change in name? I’ve taken a step down in my title. I realized that while I can be frugal in many areas of my life, there are just some areas I am not compromising on. My friend commented that I was dethroned and now apparently I am the Princess of Frugal. I’m perfectly okay with that. Really. Anyway, the Princess of Frugal has returned. After a short hiatus, where I had another large project in … Continue reading

Living Frugally Is The Latest Trend

Living more frugally seems to be the latest trend these days. Perhaps its just my own perception, but if you look around you, newspapers and magazines seem to be publishing more and more feature articles on ways to save and live a more frugal life. The more we expose people to these trends, the more they will take off and become the latest “thing to do” and perhaps the more retailers, shops and others will begin to listen. Saving money is finally cool. What I never understood before is that apparently it is an embarrassment to admit you’re a cheapskate. … Continue reading

Auction Sites Might Not Be a Frugal Choice

Online auction sites have become the latest rage over the past few years. I can remember when I first laid eyes on some of the top ones, and that was a long time ago. They are growing and leaps and bounds with thousands of visitors everyday bidding on all types of things. The problem with auction sites is that they are not always a frugal source. Many people think that listing their extra items to get rid of them and making a little extra cash in the long run seems pretty frugal. And it does at first glance. However, you … Continue reading

Pledging To Live a More Frugal Lifestyle

New Year’s resolutions are being made all over the world tonight, as we vow to make changes in our lives and goals to set for the year. Last year I made a few resolutions or goals and I stuck to them for most of the year. This made a huge difference in my decision to make new ones this year. I pledge to live a more frugal life. I pledge this exact same thing every single year. Most of my friends think it is a strange goal, since I already appear to be living a very frugal lifestyle. I pinch … Continue reading

My Frugal Confession

It seems that I should have written this blog a long time ago, to dispel any myths or confusion about my frugal life. I love frugal living, and I love finding ways to save money and reuse things. Do I do it all the time? Let’s find out. My confession for all of you, is that I am not the most frugal person. In fact, my articles probably make me sound like a totally frugal person, but there are plenty of things I am not frugal on. Yes, I use coupons. Do I ever forget to bring them and purchase … Continue reading

What Happens When You Aren’t Being Frugal?

So, you have signed up for all the greatest cheapskate newsletters, you’ve spent countless hours pouring over the frugal blog here at families, and sharing in all the great deals going on over in the Deals Forums. You have probably even read articles and books, talked to others and basically done everything and anything to figure out how to save every penny possible. That is great! I am extremely proud of you! But what happens when you are less than frugal? What happens when one day you purchase that $80.00 sweater you have been eying in the store window? Or … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Frugal (2)

There is no such thing in my mind, as being too frugal. In fact, when you look up’s definition for frugal, they pull from other resources to get several definitions. The third listed is my favorite, cited from WordNet. frugal adj : avoiding waste; “an economical meal”; “an economical shopper”; “a frugal farmer”; “a frugal lunch”; “a sparing father and a spending son”; “sparing in their use of heat and light”; “stinting in bestowing gifts”; “thrifty because they remember the great Depression”; “`scotch’ is used only informally” Why do I love this definition so much? Because it points out … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Frugal? (1)

Very often I hear about how frugal I am. And the statement or question, I hear the most often is “Can you be too frugal?”. I choose to address this question, simply because there isn’t a definitive yes or no answer. And because I plan to do a series of articles revolving around organizing all the frugal things you save. A question came in recently that was quite unusual from my typical frugal living questions. I was asked “Why do you choose to write organizing articles in the frugal living area?”. That is a great question actually, and I’d love … Continue reading

Frugal Lifestyle: Simply Adapted

The definition of Frugal is as follows: fru·gal adj. 1.Practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources. See Synonyms at sparing. 2.Costing little; inexpensive: a frugal lunch. Living paycheck to paycheck is not a “comfortable” way to live, nor is it a very frugal way to live. However, no matter what your expenses are, everyone has the opportunity to live for less than they currently are. Unless of course you are Ms. Frugal USA. Then perhaps you already have all the advice in use, and are practicing your frugal lifestyle daily. … Continue reading

How Breaking Your Budget is Bad for Your Health

Here is another reason to stay on your budget. Breaking it can actually be bad for your health. Agonizing about how you are going to afford a new purchase can stay with you, even after you solve the problem. Researchers now say that our brains don’t like being in debt. Having fears about money affect our health long term. Whether we realize it or not, debt causes stress, and stress causes poor health. Stress and pain seem to register much more strongly than does pleasure. So, the next time you feel ready to break your budget, keep this in mind. … Continue reading