That Makes No Sense

As a blogger about frugal living, I’ve pretty much heard it all. Frugal people are so creative, and they can find so many ways to save some money. It is a challenge to come up with great new ideas. But sometime, I confess that I have to shake my head a bit. I hope that I don’t offend anyone, but there are some frugal ideas that simply don’t make sense to me. For example, I was recently reading an account of couple who got by when they were newly married and poor by saving all of the ketchup packets and … Continue reading

Rent Your Children for Extra Cash

This gets listed under one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” ideas. It is such as simple idea, and yet it can make you some easy money. Making ends meet can be pretty tough right now, and our kids tend to add to the burden with all of those extra expenses. Besides food, clothing and medical cares, there are toys, activities, school fees, etc. It really adds up. Kids really make you spend. Everyone should be involved in frugal living in a family, and that includes children as well. If everyone is on board with saving money and … Continue reading

More Extreme Frugality

When does frugal get too extreme or cross over to being cheap? My definition is that if a frugal practice actually creates real hardship for a family or unfairly takes advantage of someone else, then it isn’t frugal in the true sense of the word. The following are some recent stories about frugal practices that I have heard about. Read them through and make a decision about them. Would you do (or have you done) any of these? Are they smartly frugal or just plain cheap? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Writing on post it notes in pencil, … Continue reading

Frugal Man Leaves $700,000 Estate

Neighbors in one Chicago town were surprised to learn that a retired janitor, who was extremely frugal, left behind a $700,000 estate when he passed away in March of last year. According to the Chicago Tribune, which reported the story yesterday, a friend and neighbor had been appointed to take care of the estate. While cleaning out his small ranch home, she was shocked to find envelopes full of money. “Dozens of them were stashed in dresser drawers, on shelves in a linen closet, in a Fannie May candy box. Every one was stuffed with cash.” The cash in the … Continue reading