Frugal Spring Gardening Tips

You can save your money and still have a wonderful garden. It is all in how you go about it. Use the following spring gardening tips to ensure a beautiful garden for half the price. Concentrate on Perennials While annuals can give you an immediate burst of color, I like to center my gardening around perennials because they grow year after year. You can plant them once and they will return and in some cases spread with new plants for you. When purchasing perennial plants opt for smaller ones in four-inch pots. They will be less expensive. These small plants … Continue reading

A Few Great Tips From Suze Orman

Suze Orman is definitely one of the first people that come to mind for many people when they think of personal financial advice. Many people have seen Suze on television or heard her on the radio dispensing her unique brand of unfiltered, get-real financial advice to people in all kinds of predicaments. Personally, I am terrified of the woman. If Suze Orman were to get within a hundred miles of my finances, she would cringe. I am fairly certain that if she were ever to advise me on my finances, I would be in tears within minutes because she would … Continue reading

Tips for the Frugalista Pageant Participant

I have to admit to breathing a sigh of relief when my daughter decided to hang up her crown as the economy hit rock bottom. It would be one less expense to worry about. Let’s face it after all, pageants are an expensive hobby. But once a diva, always a diva. She still managed to participate in a couple of specialty pageants over the last few years and do several plays where we had to buy costumes, so we managed to pick up a couple of Frugalista pageant tips. (Many of these tips are for children and Jr. participants, but … Continue reading

Moving to a New Perspective

Do you ever dread doing something so much that you can think up any excuse imaginable to avoid it? Moving is one of those things for me. Digging through years of piled up papers, disorganized drawers, and those bins filled with items you swore you “needed” the last time you moved but have rested untouched. This past Monday morning my wife and I moved to a slightly larger rental property in anticipation of the birth of our first child, Cillian, who we expect to meet around August 13th. Our past moves included our daring adventure with radios to communicate between … Continue reading

Tips for When You Are Overwhelmed with Housework

Yesterday, I posted about how the state of my house was so uncomfortable for me that I felt completely overwhelmed with housework. Whenever that happens, I try to approach things in a way that makes it all a bit more manageable. If you have ever found yourself in the same situation, you may benefit from the following tips. Figure out what bothers you the most and start with that. For me it tends to be a dirty kitchen and bathrooms, although some days I just can’t stand the toys on the floor. Pick one room to start with. Don’t leave … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: November 2008

November to be is the beginning of two things. The holiday season starts with Thanksgiving, and then there is winter. Despite the fact that winter doesn’t officially start until next month, the fall seems to give way to the winter in November anyway. We had a day of snow already. Here is looking ahead to December and the end of the year! November 1st Frugal Month in Review: October 2008 “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot. November 2 … Continue reading

Four Questions to Ask Your Moving Company

When it comes time to make a move to a new home, one of the scariest things to do is to find a moving company that you can trust. Everyone has horror stories to share about bad situations they have been in with the movers that they selected. I have heard tales of movers damaging or losing belongings, or worse, outright stealing or holding items hostage until an inflated fee is paid. This makes it hard to feel secure about hiring movers. Each year there are, in fact, thousands of complaints filed against disreputable moving companies. How can you protect … Continue reading

Halloween Costume Tips

When fall comes, it is time to start thinking about those costumes. Maybe you just want a costume for photos at the pumpkin patch, to attend a party or to introduce your little one to trick or treating. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers can look so cute all dressed up. Here is some advice and ideas for easy Halloween costumes for babies. If you are buying your costume, and your baby cooperates, try it on in the store over your baby’s clothing. Sizes in costumes can vary widely. The Disney Store costumes tend to run big, for example, and you may … Continue reading

Frugal Furniture

Want to get quality furniture for less or even for free? If so, you’ll want to read this post! Moving to a larger home, we were in some serious need of furniture. Did you know that the average room costs between $2,000 and $5,000 to furnish? Well, that is just plain unacceptable in my frugal world (not to mention impossible). Here are some tips on getting frugal furniture without going cheap. My biggest piece of advice for you with frugal furniture is to take your time. Obtain your pieces one at a time and when they become available and affordable. … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: August

Did you have a good month? We seem to have packed an entire summer’s worth of activities in this past month. Now, it seems, it is back to school and time to get ready for autumn. Still, it is nice to look back toward warm sands and wearing shorts even as we will soon be crunching leaves and taking out the sweaters. August 1st Getting Out Grass Stains With summer in full swing, chances are that your family has been playing outdoors quite a bit. And with all of that outdoor play comes the grass stains, especially if you are … Continue reading