The Best Frugal Treats

It is okay to indulge yourself a bit and still stay on budget. Here are some of the best ideas for frugal (read inexpensive) treats that will make you smile. Something for the Tastebuds Go ahead an purchase a small piece of an expensive chocolate, an exotic spice, a favorite take out item (such as an egg roll or the best fries in the world) or whatever will make your tastebuds sing. It will feel like an indulgence but costs much less than a dinner out. Something for the Senses Indulging your senses can feel like a luxury, and you … Continue reading

Quick and Frugal Thermos Meals

How can you provide good meals when your busy week means that you are never home to eat, let alone to prepare meals. With kids involved skipping meals is not an option, and the cost of fast food meals would add up quickly. I’ve had to face this situation during the past two weeks. My ten-year-old son is in a big musical production. His rehearsals have been starting after school and going to seven or eight o’clock at night. With the last few rehearsals before opening night (the musical opens this Thursday evening), there are costumes and make up before … Continue reading

Deals on Christmas Music and More!

Christmas is just a few weeks away, which means that this is the most appropriate time to listen to as much Christmas music as your heart desires. Now is the time to find great deals on Christmas music, and even some “freebies”. Personally, I am not a big fan of Christmas music. However, I understand that there are a lot of people who adore this genre of music, and who look forward to listening to it from shortly after Halloween up through New Years Eve. For all of you, I have found some awesome deals on Christmas music. has … Continue reading

Get Free Music From SXSW Bands – For a Limited Time

Music festivals are always exciting, whether you are there to see your favorite band, or if you are just enjoying music that is new to you. SXSW is going on right now. If you weren’t able to attend, there is still a way for you to check out some of the music. For a limited time, iTunes has a free sampler of music from many of the bands that are participating in SXSW this year. I love music. I spend hours listening to it, and have a tendency to play a song that I am particularly fond of over and … Continue reading

Fun, Frugal Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Wouldn’t it be fun to frugally celebrate Valentine’s Day? Forget the $12 boxes of chocolate from the drugstore or the $45 flowers from the florist. Instead, celebrate with some great ideas that will put you in the mood but won’t add to your expenses. In the Kitchen Have the family create a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with something full of love from the kitchen. Roll out pizza dough to form a heart shaped pizza and add your favorite toppings. Serve heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and make heart shaped sugar cookies. Basically, any food that you … Continue reading

The Little Man and The Music

Long before our son was born he was listening to some great music. While in the womb our son was treated to audiophile headphones piping classic recordings (along with some recently released music) on vinyl records. My wife constantly spend time dancing with him to the latest pop music. He responded favorably to certain television theme songs and certainly seemed like he enjoyed and had found the beat. Music, it seems, has been a part of his life from the beginning. After he was born he’s still respond with recognition to certain songs. There is a pop music CD we … Continue reading

Easy Fixes When Frugal Goes Too Far

I just read a blog about a Frugalista who may have gone too far. Some of the frugal things that frugal people have done that may have gone too far, and some simple remedies to fix them are: Turning underwear inside out: I hear men do this. I can’t imagine any self respecting woman doing this however. Why wear them dirty when you can hand wash your dirty undies while you are taking a shower. While it takes some time to dry, planning one day ahead of time will allow you clean underwear to wear the next day. Refusing to … Continue reading

The Most Frugal Thing a Parent Can Do

As my son gets bigger and taller and smarter, college costs are constantly on my mind. It occurs to me that the biggest frugal win is not to have to pay for college. That makes ensuring your child has a good education the most frugal thing a parent can do. If you are a parent with young children, this means you need to start investing into your children now. Spend time at the kitchen table making sure your children’s homework is done and that they understand the assignments. Teach them how to organize their notebooks and to organize their thoughts … Continue reading

Frugal Furniture Made from Books

I just came across a cool article about tables make from books. I have always wondered about ways to make something out of nothing. I have explored furniture made from pizza and delivery boxes but somehow it never looked sturdy or sanitary. They do serve as good supports for temporary bookshelves though. I’ve looked at furniture made from plastic or wood crates as well too, but it’s just appeal to anyone over 21. (You can use them as the base of a bed though without anyone ever knowing they are under there. Just make a platform out of the plastic … Continue reading

Frugal Christmas Entertainment

This year, why not spend most of your time preparing for Christmas by taking advantage of all of the free and low cost Christmas entertainment and activities, instead of spending that time shopping (which is not very frugal at all). Here are some of my favorite frugal Christmas entertainment activities. Breakfast with Santa This time of year, there are many opportunities to experience breakfast with Santa. This can be fun because the kids will generally get a longer time talking with Santa than if they visited him for a quick photo at the mall. Breakfast with Santa can be pricey … Continue reading