Getting Out of Debt: Living Like No One Else

One of the things that we heard over and over again taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Freedom course was that we needed to “Live like no one else so we could live like no one else.” In fact, I think this was the slogan for the course. What this means is that we have to be prepared to not only live frugally, but to make sacrifices in many areas and manage our money well, things that most of us, as Americans don’t tend to do. By sacrificing now, we could then live without debt later and be in a position … Continue reading

Getting Out of Debt: Messy Organization Cost Us

Purposefully trying to get out of debt is revealing some pretty interesting things. It is amazing how despite practicing frugal living, we’ve thrown money away from being poor organizers of it. Call it having too much to do or the control freak of the family (me) turning a blind eye to certain areas of our bills, but this month we’ve definitely been seeing how not paying close attention to some things has affected our budget. Case in point: we got a letter from our oil company saying that they were raising our oil rate, so our monthly bill for the … Continue reading