Getting a Bargain on Glassware

You know how everything seems to happen in threes? It happened at my house this week. Three drinking glasses shattered or cracked mysteriously, as if they all suddenly decided that they were at the end of their useful life. That left us with only two glasses left, plus a sturdy mug we got as a freebie and several plastic cups that had just been put in the donation pile (my kids are now old enough to handle glass). We eyed the two glasses warily. Would they suddenly decide to break, too? We couldn’t be sure. Plus, two glasses and one … Continue reading

When You Need a Gratitude Boost

I find that nothing helps keep you on track with your frugal living and getting out of debt than a good bit of gratitude. With a thankful heart, you’ll find yourself with less of a need for spending and more of a motivation for saving and giving. Instead of feeling bad because you don’t have something, you’ll feel happy at all that you do have, including the forethought to live within or below your means. Here, then, are some ways that you can foster gratitude in your life. Swap Out the Negative Negative thoughts can be like potato chips. Once … Continue reading

The Fancy Coffee House Experience at Home

Many of my friends are writers, and as such, we have one big thing in common. We love our coffee. I know it seems stereotypical. I know that not every writer drinks coffee. I also know there is not a desk I have visited, either in person or virtually, that was devoid of the tell-tale brown ring on some notebook or scrap of paper or post it, or napkin. It is what we do: drink coffee and have a cat across the keyboard or a dog at our feet. We came by our addictions honestly. On the occasions when we … Continue reading