Simple Attempts at Money Stewardship

Sometimes we look at little things that can be done to save money and think, why bother. It is only going to save us a few pennies, so is it really worth the time? But simple attempts at money stewardship can really add up. Imagine that you had a leaky faucet in your kitchen. You know that you have to fix it, but right now you have bigger priorities, and you will get to it later. Before you go to bed, you place a bowl or bucket under the leak. In the morning, the bowl is full of water. Those … Continue reading

Going Barefoot Can Save Money

Summer is a great time to go barefoot. And if you do it often, especially in your home, you are being frugal. How? Well read the rest of this article to find out both the reasons going barefoot can save you money and how to convince your friends and family to do the same. When I am home, I mostly walk around barefoot or in socks, and the kids do the same. My husband has a harder time doing this, but he at least has a pair of older sneakers that he uses when in the house (see this article … Continue reading

Randy Travis- Losing It

You know, a lot of country singers lived their lives like country songs. Hank Williams died in a car on the way to a gig in Virginia at the young age of 29. George Jones’ wife once took his car keys because he was drunk. However, she didn’t take the lawn mower keys and Jones drove it 8 miles to get his hooch. Some might say you write best about that which you know and if that’s true, country great Randy Travis must have a really big hit brewing up inside of him. Travis has been in the headlines a … Continue reading

Free Land

In the heart of American, towns from far and wide are offering free land for the taking. If you are ready to be a modern day settler, you can snatch up the opportunity to own your own piece of land for absolutely nothing. Many communities welcome the idea of new people moving in. They are offering lots of free land and other incentives in an effort to have people consider becoming part of the town. The goal for these communities is to turn rural areas into town that can be sustained and grow economically. The offers these communities make are … Continue reading

Extending an Ink Cartridge

It is inevitable that your printer’s ink cartridge will run out just when you really need it the most. And those ink cartridges can be very expensive, $25 or more! How can you extend your ink cartridges to make the cartridge last longer and help you save money? Here are some tips. The one way that I have found to extend an ink cartridge on the fly is also the easiest. Just turn the printer off and remove the ink cartridge. Shake the ink cartridge vigorously and place it in the printer. Then turn the printer back on. You should … Continue reading

Check Your Foot Shape To Get The Right Kind Of Shoe

Footprints show us where we’ve been… but they can also help point you in the right direction going forward. Your foot shape can show you the way to the right kind of shoe to reduce foot pain and body strain. So how do you figure out your foot shape? It’s quick and easy! Take off your shoes and socks. Wet the bottom of your foot. Step onto a fresh, clean piece of paper. Check out the imprint you’ve made. You have a high arch if the imprint has only a narrow band connecting the ball of the foot with the … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for August 6th-12th, 2007

Saving money is a wonderful thing. Finding new ways to save is even better. We here in the frugal living blog, strive to make things easier by finding the ways for you, and then giving you the information. So what’s been happening in frugal living this week? Decorate on a Dime – The Basics (2) Looking to start a home decorating project, but don’t have a lot of money? Decorating your home is expensive, yet often makes your home feel better and more relaxing. So how do you go about decorating an entire home, yet saving money in the process? … Continue reading