Goodwill Hunting and Target

If you are a regular reader of the Frugal Living blog, you’ll know that I am a fan of getting things for less by shopping at thrift stores. Going to Goodwill or other stores is always an adventure. My kids look forward to it, too. In fact, we were coming back from Lowe’s home improvement store when our eldest son asked if we could stop by the Goodwill. he knows that they usually have some interesting toys and games, and that he and his siblings can usually get more for their money there. Yesterday was the jackpot of toy selection, … Continue reading

Did You Go Overboard with Gifts?

Now that the gift wrap is off and the gifts are spread around under the Christmas tree, there might be a sense that you went a little bit overboard. If it isn’t the sheer number of gifts, perhaps it is the credit card bill or the drain on your bank account that tells you that  you might have done a little too much. For me, it is usually the couple of extra gifts that I have left in the closet, too embarrassed or overwhelmed to bring them out. Ah, isn’t it so easy to be Santa these days. Still, it … Continue reading

The Importance of Touch

What is generally the quickest way to sooth a baby? Pick her up of course! Touch plays such an important part of the parent-child bond, not to mention its almost miraculous ways of reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and producing feel good hormones. While many people may not agree with me, I am a big believer in carrying your baby and maintaining physical contact as much as possible. True, your baby need some time to explore on her own, but for very young babies, especially, there is nothing like human contact. Numerous studies have shown that touch is as necessary … Continue reading

How to Survive When Your Friend Isn’t Frugal

She dines out at least three times a week while you wonder how to stretch that chicken to last for one more day. You get your fashions from thrift stores and consignment shops, while she is collects Jimmy Choos as through they were seashells. How can you survive this disparity without losing a friendship? Be honest not rude Your frugal ways could be interpreted as a lack of interest in the friendship or even snobbery. If you are constantly turning down requests to go out to dinner or visits to the spa, gently explain why. If something just isn’t in … Continue reading

How to Shop at Outgrown Sales

Thanks to Gina00 who inspired this post with her blog comment. Outgrown sales are a great way to pick up kids clothing, toys, games, baby equipment and more for really great prices. These sales are like giant yard sales, but with benefits. For one, there is a ton of merchandise in one place. You also don’t have to weed through a lot of old useless stuff, such as velvet paintings or chipped dishes, as you might at a garage sale. I really recommend visiting and shopping at one of these types of sales. To help you along, I’ve compiled some … Continue reading

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year for Thrift Store Bargains

Is the Christmas music still playing in your home or have you already moved on from the holidays? I’ve been encountering a little bit of both in the past two days. There is a desire both too hold on to Christmas as it has come too quickly, and a desire to prepare for the new year. One way that folks are moving on and preparing for the new year is by getting all of their last donations in before the calendar hits 1/1. This way, everything can be taken off of taxes for the year. This is true not only … Continue reading