Goodwill Bargain Store: Get More Discounts

Have you heard of a Goodwill bargain store or Goodwill outlet store? If you have one in your area, you can save big. I visited the one near me yesterday, and here is my report. Goodwill bargain stores or Goodwill outlet stores (I’ve seen them called both) offer bottom of the line discounts on thrift merchandise. You might remember that I’ve talked about how at Goodwill stores, merchandise rotates through the floor at these stores, and clothing gets tagged with different colors that indicate how long it has been in the store. At the end of its stay, the store … Continue reading

Goodwill Offers and Finds

Do you shop at the Goodwill? Here are some of the finds that were available Saturday at my local Goodwill. Thrift stores can be an adventure to shop. There is always something interesting to find. This past Saturday was no exception. It had been a while since we went shopping at the Goodwill. Usually we only go when we have a good amount of items to donate ourselves. The last time went visited was back in December, when we had a ton of items to offer. A lot of other people had the same idea, getting those donations in by … Continue reading

Don’t Buy Cheap

One of the things that can be said about my household is that we try not to have anything cheap. That doesn’t mean that we spend a lot of money on stuff, it just means that we aim for good quality for things no matter what they are or how we acquired them. Something in frugal living, it is easy to go for the dollar store mentality, shopping for things that are cheap. Personally, unless there is no way around it, we would rather do without than afford something that is not up to snuff. For example, we went without … Continue reading

What is Deseret Industries?

Deseret Industries is the thrift store that is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s a non-profit organization that was started in 1938 as a way for members of the Church to recycle their unwanted goods and for those goods to find homes where they would be most needed. Today, there are almost fifty stores scattered across the western United States. The mission of Deseret Industries is three-fold. First, the stores provide jobs to those who need training in a vocation or who might find it difficult to find job placement elsewhere, due to … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: March 31st Through April 6th

Have you been stocking up on ham and bacon this week? And what about the other great food bargains? If you don’t know what I am talking about, check out last week’s frugal articles. March 31st Goodwill Offers and Finds Do you shop at the Goodwill? Here are some of the finds that were available Saturday at my local Goodwill. Planning Your Frugal Summer Travel I know that we just reached spring, but summer won’t be far behind. And now is a perfect time to start planning your summer vacation. With the economy the way it is, many people will … Continue reading