Wall to Wall: Growing Food Indoors

I recently started following someone on Twitter who gardens in her bathroom. Vertically. All jokes about the availability of fertilizer aside, this is a good place to garden. After all, it’s warm and it’s damp, probably once a day at least. If you replace some of your bathroom lighting with a grow light, you’d have the perfect tropical conditions – that is, until you open your window! Now, I don’t garden in my bathroom, although I’m now feeling somewhat inspired to do so. Between the towel racks and the toothbrushes, there just doesn’t seem to be that much space. However, … Continue reading

Container Garden: Grow a Hot Climate Herb Garden

One of the tried and true ways to garden in a container is to garden small and to garden strategically. The herb garden is a strategic use of space. Instead of going for bulk, you’re going for flavor. What would make your omelets delicious and your soup stocks the talk of the neighborhood? Herbs, of course! A hot climate herb garden thrives in the summer on a hot deck. If you have a sheltered and bright area indoors or if you’re lucky enough to have a greenhouse, you can bring the garden inside for the winter. This is the beauty … Continue reading

Gardening As A Whole Curriculum

Now that spring is here, most states are starting to thaw out and warm up. This an excellent time to begin a garden, no matter how small, and teach the kids about botany, art, vocabulary, water conservation, nutrition, and so much more. I’m a firm believer in getting the most bang for my buck and most use out of every moment. Each lesson you teach your kids can incorporate many subjects, not just the most obvious one at hand. Gardening is no different. The house we live in now has a nice back and front yard, but even when we … Continue reading

How to Grow Your Own Herbs

Whether you pronounce the “h” or not, herbs are a wonderful thing for both cooking and medicinal use in your home. Most herbs are pretty easy to grow, even indoors. Growing your open herbs is economical and will keep you away from pesticides. From basil to lavender a few simple tips will have you growing your own herbs in no time. How to start First, determine which herbs you would like to grow. You can decided to start your herbs from seed or from nursery plants. If this is your first time growing herbs, or if you choose a perennial … Continue reading

How to Garden in a Bad Economy

Let’s face it, the economy is affecting everything, even gardening. In fact, I think it is increasing the prevalence of gardening, as people look to grow their own food, stay close to home and have activities that don’t cost a lot of money. There are many different ways to garden, and some strategies work better than others when the economy is in a downturn. Here are some ideas about keeping the economy in mind when you garden, getting the most out of your garden and adapting your gardening techniques to the current economic situation. Let’s start with the biggest trend, … Continue reading

Gardening Wizardry for Kids – L. Patricia Kite

Gardening Wizardry for Kids: Green Thumb Magic for the Great Indoors is a fun book for children and parents alike. Teachers will also find lots of fun growing experiments and food lore they can use in their classrooms. The legends and histories behind different foods are fascinating. Did you know that in the Middle Ages magicians put celery seeds in their shoes, hoping it would help them fly? Or that there are more pictures of onions on Ancient Egyptian tombs than any other plant? Or that the soldiers inside the Trojan horse ate carrots before getting in the horse to … Continue reading

Growing an Indoor Herb Garden

We have begun the task of trying to grow herbs. I had read a book about how much money could be saved in a year, by growing your own. One to never turn my head away from anything that can save me money, I gathered my five kids together and asked who wanted to help. Excitedly, they all will be helping. Finding a family activity like this, that not only includes bonding and family time, but also responsibility and education, is rare. We were very excited to get started, but there were some things we had to think about first. … Continue reading

Growing My Italian Kitchen Garden

Yesterday, was a big day for me. I got to enjoy the wonderful breezes and dappled sunlight filtering through the trees outside. It was the perfect day to get a good start on my herb garden. I like growing herbs, because the store-bought kind are so expensive. Dried or fresh, herbs are one of those grocery items that seem to cost as much per ounce as gold. By growing the herbs myself, I save on both the cost of the herbs and the cost of making trips to the store to buy them, since it seems I never have the … Continue reading

Kids and Simple Gardening

Even if you don’t have a lot of space, indoors or out, you and your kids can put together a small container garden. Even if you just do one or two plants, your kids are likely to think it’s pretty cool. Herb Gardening You can get your kids started with a small herb garden. It isn’t difficult and your kids will have fun with it. Another good thing about growing herbs is that they do not usually take long to begin sprouting. Your kids will get to see some results before too long, so herb gardening may keep their interest … Continue reading

Frugal lessons from The Amish: Growing Food

Since most Amish live on a farm, they are used to growing food. But farm or not, Amish women always maintain a kitchen garden, where they grow delicious foods for their families. Potatoes are a staple that is usually served in the afternoon as part of the biggest meal of the day. Canned vegetables that were once grown in the garden are also a very big part of the Amish diet. The Amish are so good at farming, that they often grow extra crops for tourists to buy, such as pumpkins and gourds in the fall. Because the Amish tend … Continue reading