Safe Halloween Makeup

Halloween is almost upon us and some of you may even be dressing up for parties now. One thing you may not think about is the safety of the makeup you use on yourself or your children. While makeup is preferable to masks (it is not as likely to block your vision), you still have to use care in choosing your makeup. Just as beauty makeup can be unsafe, so can Halloween makeup. Here are a few tips to ensure you have a safe Halloween: – Don’t even use something as makeup that wasn’t specifically meant to be used on … Continue reading

Halloween Candy and the Frugal Shopper

As I walked through the grocery store yesterday, I glanced by the candy in the impulse shopping section right before you get to the cash resisters. It was filled with candy. In the 30 seconds that I glanced I noticed that this year’s Halloween Chocolates were in smaller bags than previous years and that these small bags of chocolate cost $10.00… 10 dollars… TEN DOLLARS!!! There is no way I am ever going to pay $10.00 for a bag of chocolate. I am not even going to pay $5.00 when they put them on buy one get one free sale … Continue reading