Reducing the Cost of Trash Bags

There are a number of environmental reasons to cut down on your trash bags, and there are even more money saving ones, too. Today, I’m going to take a look at the later, and find you ways to cut down on the cost of trash bags. Buy fewer packaged foods. If you opt for less packaging and more whole food, then you will naturally have less trash that has to go into the trash bags. This includes the plastic bags that you might normally use to take home your fruit. Instead, make a homemade bag. Old pillow cases work great, … Continue reading

Stretch Your Gas Budget with a Driving Day

If you can get away with it, plan out your weekly tasks to one day. You’ll save money on gas, as well as wear on your car. With gas prices going up again, you can’t afford not to use this strategy. How many times do we take the car out for a single errand, only to find ourselves going the same way later in the day or later in the week? This is a waste of time and of gas. If both errands were done at the same time, completing them would take a single trip. This doesn’t seem like … Continue reading

Staying Cool for Less

From May through August, our electric bill used to jump up high on the chart due to cooling costs. Then, a couple of years ago, we applied some serious strategies to staying cool for less. The change was so dramatic that the electric company sent out a work to check our meter, since our energy usage was so much different than they were used to seeing in the summer. Here are some of the changes that we made. Tightening up the House The major difference in our energy bill came when we sealed up the cracks and insulated our home. … Continue reading

Watch Out for New Fees

If you aren’t careful, you may be hit with fees on everything from banking to pizza. Businesses are now charging fees for things that they once gave away for free. In many cases, these fees are hidden, and you might not be aware of that you are paying for them. Delivery Fees Did you happen to notice that your pizza now costs an extra bit to have it delivered. I’m not talking about the tip. Major chains are adding on a delivery fee now. One of our local (non-chain) pizza places is doing so, but in a different way. They … Continue reading

What is Freezer Blocking?

I’ve practiced doing freezer blocking for years, although I never did know that there was an actual term for the practice. What is freezer blocking and what can it do for you? Let’s answer that second question first. Freezer blocking can save you money. Freezers work most efficiently when they are packed solid. The more stuff in a freezer, the better insulation it has, which means that it doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your food frozen. This means that you save money on electricity. Freezers work by keeping the air cold. The less air there is, the … Continue reading

Gas Prices Go Up Again: How to Save on Gas

Three weeks ago, gas prices went up by 12-cents. Now, the news agency Reuters just released more discouraging news: The average price of gasoline in the United States rose again in the past two weeks, gaining nearly 3.5 cents to about $3.39 a gallon, due in part to higher crude oil prices, according to the nationwide Lundberg Survey. Gas prices are expected to continue to increase in the short term, about five cents or maybe more. This could really impact your budget. So, let us talk about practical ways that you can save on the cost of gas. As we … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Gas in 2011

Do you remember how we all complained when gas prices hit $3 a gallon? Well that just seems like the good old days now, doesn’t it? With gas prices reaching and exceeding $4 a gallon, it is taking the equivalent of some people’s monthly rent just to pay for gas. What can you do? Drive less, yes, but that isn’t going to solve the problem for a lot of us who have to drive to work in order to pay for all of that gas. And with summer approaching, it is hard to tell the kids that they will have … Continue reading

Save Money at the Gas Pump

There is a strong possibility that gas prices may rise to $4 a gallon or more. In fact, in the last few months, our bill for fuel has doubled. Cutting back on the driving can help, of course, but sometimes that just isn’t realistic. After all, we have to work, children have to go to school, and there is church, the grocery store and various sports and activities to attend. So, how can we save money at the gas pump? Combining Errands Okay, let us get back to that driving less thing. You knew it had to be in there … Continue reading

Talking to the Experts

Clinton and Stacey are experts in fashion. Millions of viewers tune in to see what we should and should not wear. Dr. Phil is the expert on relationships and fixing our lives. It seems there’s an expert in every field, and we can tune in on a certain day or make a phone call or do an Internet search or send away for a packet filled with information that will change our lives. It doesn’t matter what we want to learn – there’s someone out there to teach it to us. First off, I have to say, this is awesome. … Continue reading

How Are Your Preparing for High Gas and Food Prices?

It seems like the news just keeps getting worse. Gas and food prices continue to rise, and experts are warning that by the Fall, we may even start to see some scarcity that drives these prices up even more. It is very scary, but don’t panic. There are things that you can do to help offset these costs. What is your plan? Gas For a couple of weeks, we were was confused over the fact that we just couldn’t make our budget balance. We accounted for any new expenses and still the numbers were off. So we had to sit … Continue reading