What’s the Deal with the Fruit Scale?

Why the heck do we measure things in terms of fruit? My research on fibroids — starting with the info packet from the doctor — said that they can get as large as a grapefruit. Talking to friends revealed that many of them have experienced the fruit scale when talking about fibroids and other growths. After my ultrasound results came in, the doctor described one of my growths as a “long grapefruit” (to which a friend said I’d achieved a whole new level on the fruit scale). A quick web search found a really cute list that ran through a … Continue reading

How to Create Your Own Fruit Basket Arrangement for Less

There is a company that makes the most beautiful flower-like arrangements out of edible fruit. They are as expensive as they are beautiful. In addition to this gift being expensive, the perishable nature of the fruit used in these baskets necessitates consuming the gift immediately, or allowing it to go to waste. While these ready made baskets are beautiful and make great gifts for dinner parties and other special occasions, they are also very expensive. It occurs to me that should you want to give a gift of this type you can both make it yourself and use a combination … Continue reading