Look Around: How is the Economy Doing?

Sometimes, in order to gauge the state of the economy, you just have to look around. I check the news reports often, and am intrigued by reports about trends that will affect how my family spends and saves. For example, when there were problems with the peanut crop, I made sure to stock up on peanut butter, a staple in my household. I also like to look around at what is happening locally, in my neighborhood and community. Houses seem to be selling better than they have in a long time, and this is good. Fewer abandoned properties and homes … Continue reading

Staging Your House for Less

Something about spring makes me start watching all of those home shows. You know the ones where couples and sometimes singles look for the perfect house, fix up and put their homes on the market or just do some renovations. Maybe it is because spring is the most popular time of the year to list a house and get a buyer. While the housing market has promise of turning around, there is still quite a lot of “stock,” houses on the market. This means that in order to make yours sell, it needs to shine. One thing that helps house … Continue reading

Where Can I Find Coupons? Here are Ten Different Places to Grab Them

There are many different places to find coupons, from the obvious to the obscure. Go on a treasure hunt to gather up as many as you can. Coupons can save you money, whether you use just a few coupons on your favorite weekly items or practice the art of extreme couponing, a way of shopping that can get you up to 90 percent off of your groceries. Don’t forget that coupons can also be used on retail purchases, online purchases and entertainment venues too! Here is a breakdown of the many places where you can find money saving coupons. Grab … Continue reading

The Free Money Box

In the kitchen of our house, on a kitchen pantry, sits a brown nondescript box a little smaller than a standard shoebox. It is pretty plain, with the exception of a small white label on it, and a designation written in pencil. The words read, “Free Money.” This little free money box has come in handy on many occasion, and has helped us to buy things we needed or wanted without spending a dime. It is a place we go to first, before we get in the car. Our free money box contains the following types of items: Gift cards … Continue reading

Save Money through Repurposing

Everyone is looking to save money these days. We tend to not be so quick to throw something out because you just never know when it might come in handy. Well let me introduce you to the idea of repurposing, which is similar to recycling. The difference is that you are extending the life of something and finding a new way to use it. This sometimes requires making some changes to the item, such as cleaning or painting it. Other times you are using it in its original form, however, in a brand new way. Think of it this way. … Continue reading

Finding Your Identity in Your Marriage

I never thought much about my life growing up. At times in my adult life when I’ve considered getting married, having kids, I didn’t have anything but my own thoughts at that time to rely on. It’s strange because I’m an obsessive planner for short-term details, but I can’t think of any point in my life when I’ve had a vision for the future. As a kid I always had dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up: veterinarian, zoologist, reporter for National Geographic Magazine, but those were always just fleeting childhood whimsies. I never pictured myself … Continue reading

Safe Housekeeping During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you may find yourself suddenly motivated to clean more than you usually do. Of course, you may not, and that is also perfectly normal. I never experienced an overwhelming urge to clean house during either of my pregnancies, although I did clean a little more than normal during my second pregnancy. Cleaning during pregnancy is not harmful in and of itself. When the urge to clean strikes, be careful about what products you use to clean, and about some of the chores that you choose to tackle. If you have been bitten by the housekeeping bug, … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – Week of April 15-21, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between 12 and 14 blogs that will appear. What did you miss this week? My Quest to Find Affordable Health Insurance is Finished Finally! I have found a health insurance policy that I can actually afford! I review the steps from uninsured, (when I lost my job and my health insurance in 2009), to insured in 2012. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on April 16, 2012. This … Continue reading

Teaching Kids about Money

Do you give your child an allowance? Do they know how to save? Do they know how to earn? Money is one of those necessary evils of life so it is important that you teach your child the basics while they are young. Most kids get a little money here and there, whether it is from a weekly allowance or money from the tooth fairy, but do they know what to do with it? What do they really need to know about money and how do you teach it when you hardly have any money yourself? Here are a few … Continue reading

Saving Money, Again

As a single parent is there ever a time when you are not stressed about money? If there is, I haven’t found it. I’ve been a single parent for almost as long as I was a married parent and there is always money stress. Through the years I discovered a couple things that helped. Make a budget, I know it’s no fun, but it helps to know what you have and where it goes. If you can’t depend on your child support, don’t include it in your budget, then when you do get it, it’s like a bonus and you … Continue reading