Frugal Organizational Articles

In honor of our annual fall cleaning and organizing at our home, I thought I’d provide a great set of articles to get you motivated and to think creatively on how to organize your own home. We are not like the traditional family where we do Spring Cleaning because with such a large family, we really have to do seasonal cleaning. This takes part four times a year, and the fall is upon us and that is when we re-evaluate our methods for organization and see what is working or not working for us. During the month of September I … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for August 6th-12th, 2007

Saving money is a wonderful thing. Finding new ways to save is even better. We here in the frugal living blog, strive to make things easier by finding the ways for you, and then giving you the information. So what’s been happening in frugal living this week? Decorate on a Dime – The Basics (2) Looking to start a home decorating project, but don’t have a lot of money? Decorating your home is expensive, yet often makes your home feel better and more relaxing. So how do you go about decorating an entire home, yet saving money in the process? … Continue reading

Where to Frugally Store Your Bulk Food Purchases

Storing large amounts of food can be challenging for those with small kitchens, no pantry space, barely any cabinet space or any number of other problems. Apartment dwellers often have the biggest problems and for many they are on a much tighter budget so purchasing in bulk is important for them. So finding storage is important for most people that purchase in bulk, and if you had to purchase everything you needed, you could spend a lot on storage. A freezer: While a normal sized freezer will work for many bulk food buyers, if you store other items in there … Continue reading

How To Frugally Store Large Purchases of Bulk Items

A box of snacks from the bulk food warehouse, can have fifty individual packets inside one large box. A package of hamburger meat can be 4-6lbs worth. Face it, bulk is bulky, it is large, it is plentiful and it is darn difficult to store. So, how and where do you store all these bulk food purchases? Let’s begin with the how: The key to being able to store such large items, is to break it down if possible. Most items that are purchased from a bulk warehouse, can be re-packaged or broken down and stored in a different manner. … Continue reading