Ways to Help Your Child Understand Business

Do your children understand the value of a dollar? Many kids do not. There are things that parents can do to help their children, and teenagers, to get a basic grasp of money. They can also learn a little bit about business. Forbes has a really interesting article titled “13 Ways to Help Your Children Understand Business”. It was written by Dan Matthews, and posted on May 30, 2014. He gathered tips that will help parents to encourage their kids to become interested in finance and business. Each tip came from someone who is involved in business. One of those … Continue reading

Invest Your Time Wisely

“Time is money” is an old saying that is meant to convey the urgency of rushing ahead because any time wasted could be time spent earning money. Many times in our frugal lifestyles, we trade off time in order to save money, such as cooking from scratch instead of going through the fast food line, taking out the time to create a grocery list and clip coupons before shopping, etc. Most of the time these are good choices and have a secondary benefit. The time I spend hanging laundry means saves some money, but it also means that my kids … Continue reading

Earn Money with Your iPad or Tablet

Take advantage of your iPad or Tablet to earn money. With the iPad or Tablets capabilities, you can pad your bank account with some extra cash. Here is how. Selling Books Grab your iPad or tablet and head to the nearest thrift store. Using apps, you can scan promising looking books and find out exactly how much they are worth in the resell market. This means that books you can purchase for 50 cents or a dollar could be worth much, much, more. Don’t forget to hit yard sales as well, where you may be able to pick up an … Continue reading

Sales at Barnes & Noble, Bath and Body Works, Sears, and More!

Going shopping this weekend? Here is a quick roundup of sales and deals that are going on this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Read over this blog before you head out the door, and you could end up saving some money! Barnes & Noble is doing a special deal that lasts for four days, only. Get a free $20.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Card when you buy Nook HD or HD+ with your MasterCard card. Here’s how this deal works: Go to an actual Barnes & Noble store to make your purchase of the Nook HD or Nook HD+. At the … Continue reading

Don’t Forget the College Spending Money

Once you get through paying for tuition, text books, room and board, supplies and activity fees, there is one more expense you have to count in–the monthly spending money that your college kids will need. Most college websites are very helpful with suggestions of how much money your student will need, with suggestions averaging $200-$300 a month, minimum, to cover expenses from laundry to shampoo to late night pizza runs. While these suggestions are helpful, the real amount is going to depend on your student, where he or she goes to school and what kind of lifestyle he or she … Continue reading

Baby on a Budget

Your new bundle of joy could make more than a significant dent in your finances. Establishing a solid budget for your baby can help you keep everything under control and leave you with enough money for your baby’s future. You might be interested to know that according to the US Department of Agriculture, it can cost up to a quarter of a million dollars to raise a child through age 17! This doesn’t take into account children living at home past age 17, college costs or significant medical expenses that could arise. That is why it is important to establish … Continue reading

Budget Busting Babies

Have you ever sat down and calculated how much money you’ve spent raising your child? Think about it; if you crunched the numbers from the moment you first discovered you were pregnant until today, the amount of cash you’ve likely dropped on your precious bundle of joy probably exceeds five figures. It’s no surprise that the cost associated with raising kids is a hot topic among parents. So much so that you can visit just about any baby-centric website these days and calculate how much a child will set you back financially. For example, Babycenter.com features a handy dandy calculator … Continue reading

Baby Buying On A Budget

Now that you are pregnant, you are probably thinking about what you will need to have on hand to take care of your baby’s needs once you bring him home. If you are on a tight budget, you may wonder if you will be able to meet all of baby’s needs because there is so much advertising out there that could lead a person to believe that they need to buy many different items in order to be ready to care for their new arrival. The truth is that babies, especially brand new ones, need very little in the way … Continue reading

Look Good On Any Budget

I love clothes. However, my wardrobe has been looking rather shabby and not at all chic for quite some time. The reason? I have not had much time or money available for clothes shopping over the past couple of years. This afternoon while I was looking through my drawers for something to wear, I realized that there are probably ways that I can freshen up my wardrobe even with a very limited budget. Sure enough, there are tons of tips online for how you can look great for less. Here are a few that I intend to try. If you … Continue reading

Insurance Agent Gets Six Years in Prison for Stealing from Clients

A (now former) insurance agent has been sentenced to 75 months in prison because she stole more than $1 million dollars from her elderly clients. She told them that she was reinvesting their money. In reality, she was spending it on things for herself. Everyone has had the experience, at least once, of getting a letter in the mail that says that your insurance company has denied your claim. When faced with a bill that you expected your insurer to cover, it is not unheard of to have less than positive thoughts about the insurance company. It is easy, in … Continue reading